I am so bored being stuck at home that I decided to memorize six pages of a dictionary.

I learned next to nothing.

Returning to work, a colleague asks me, "Pick up any new hobbies while stuck at home?"

"Yeah," I reply through my mask, "I took up ventriloquism. I'm pretty good; notice how you can't see my lips moving."

I had high expectations for doing great things in 2020. Instead I'm stuck at home jacking off and playing Nintendo.

The old 'bate and Switch.

What's the ideal set up to watch acclaimed movies while stuck at home from Corona?

A Tent in Quarantino

Since we're all stuck at home during this plague, I decided to take an online course in running a funeral home.

I'm majoring in Necronomics.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Scientists are predicting that an aurora will be created from all the self-isolating people stuck at home watching porn...

Due to the resulting coronal mass erection.

I used to laugh at Michael Jackson for wearing gloves and a mask.....

Yet here i am, stuck at home in this covid19 Thriller,
Beating it.....

I always wanted a life like a Disney princess

I should have specified not the part where they are stuck at home, cleaning the whole day

Talking to my elderly neighbor on the balcony during quarantine and he goes:

"The worst has yet to come. - What will it be? - The Jehova Witnesses know we are all stuck at home!"

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