Stay Positive.

A linguistics professor was lecturing to his English class one day.

“In English,” he said, “a double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative.”

How to always stay positive in life:

| life |

I told my colleague to stay positive…

…which, in hindsight, would be unhelpful considering he has COVID.

My goal for 2022 is to stay positive

That way I can just quarantine at home instead of going to work.

Its pretty hard to stay positive...

My grandfather recently died from blood loss. We might have found a donor for his blood type. But nobody knew it. He kept shouting "Be Positive!"
But it was pretty hard to be positive at the time...

I went to the doctors yesterday. After my checkup I told them I was just trying to stay positive.

I don't know why they looked so concerned.

They kicked me out of a Covid-19 ward the other day…

…because when I left I said “stay positive everyone”

I got fired on the first day of my new job at the hospital

Apparently telling all the COVID patients to stay positive is not a good thing.

Trump got COVID...

Well my wife and I don’t see eye to eye politically. One was happy, the other worried... you understand. So after much debate, we came to a compromise: we sent him a get well soon card that said stay positive.

Antivaxers have one of the most important traits for being a good friend

They easily stay positive

I was kicked out of the hospital when I tried to cheer up Covid Patients.

All I said was "Don't worry, everything is going to be ok. Just stay positive".

What's the worst advice you can give someone with HIV?

Stay positive.

A COVID patient felt insulted when I wished him well...

I told him to stay positive.

I caught my son biting the electrical cord

I was shocked and grounded him. He resisted but I told him to stay positive. It's been a week, he's currently doing better and conducting himself properly.

Im Sick and Tired of talking about the corona virus

I just want to stay positive

How come HIV isn't a major cause of depression?

Because it's not that hard to stay positive.

My friend told he's been diagnosed with HIV, and has to go for a retest to confirm the results.

I told him to stay positive.

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A man is walking down the beach..

A man is walking down the beach at dusk when he comes across a girl laying on a blanket watching the sunset. She doesn’t have any arms or legs and she’s crying.

He feels bad for her and is compelled to ask “Sweetie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” “Well Mr, I don’t have any arms or legs, I...

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