All groups of animals have unique names: a gaggle of geese, a pod of whales, a colony of ants… so what do you call a group of Karens?


If someone makes their fortune in ships, we call them a shipping magnate and if someone makes their fortune in oil, we call them an oil magnate. So what do you call someone who makes their fortune...

...selling fridges?

So What do you call a banker that has no friends?

A Loaner.... I’m just going to go to the bank and withdraw my life.

So what do you call a street where sheep and horses are fighting over turf?

A baaad neigh-borhood.


I'm glad none of you are close enough to punch me.

Someone that knows three languages is multilingual. Someone that knows two languages is bilingual. So what do you call someone that only knows one language?

An American.

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