Two women are chatting at work [short joke]

Two women are chatting at work.

The first woman says, “my husband surprised me with flowers last night. You know what that means, I’m going to have to spend the entire weekend with my legs in the air….”

Her coworker replies, “why don’t you just buy a vase?”

Another short joke from Sunny

Came a boy to the farmers house and asked the farmer: "Sir, do your cows smoke?"The farmer replyed: "no usually they dont" Then the boy scratched his nose and said: "well i guess your barn is on fire then"

A short joke to cheer you up

Jeff told his friend: "I was named after my father."

His friend said: "But his name is John."
"Yes", Jeff said. "He was named that years before I was even born".

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My favorite short joke

I used to be into a lot of BDSM, Beastiality, Necrophelia, until I realized I was just beating a dead horse

short joke

**Every Wife Is A Mistress For Her Husband.**

**Miss For One Hour**

**Stress For The Remaining 23 Hours.**

A short joke for my cakeday

A Mexican magician says he will disappear on the count of 3. He says "uno, dos..." poof. He disappeared without a tres.

I'd like to tell you a short joke

Unfortunately I dont have long.

My son asks me, "Do you want to hear two short jokes and one long joke?"

Joke joke, joooookkkeee.

Elon Musk is reported to have written a short joke on his Falcon Heavy rocket.

I guess the real joke is in the comets.

I'm looking for the funniest short joke ever

Not short as in small, short as in short

Here's a short joke for you

A seal walks into a club.

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Just a short joke you are probably pretty familiar with

yep, it's your penis

Want to hear a short joke?

Okay, grab a tall stool or it might go over your head.

My favorite short joke

Why don't Italians like Jehovah's witnesses.

Because Italians don't like ANY witnesses.

Not so funny short joke

What is the difference between falling from the 1st floor and from the 10th floor? 1st floor : Splat, aaaaaahhh 10th floor: aaaaahhhh, Splat

Short short joke

I'm not saying my parents were too strict or unreasonable but the second my umbilical cord was cut after birth I had to go to my room and think about what I had done.

So i was trying to come up with a short joke about Catholic priests...

But all the little ones were taken :v

A very very short joke

Bend over Genie, a wish is a wish!

A short joke for you Redditors

What did the Buffalo say to his son?


Short joke I thought of.

What's the difference between sheep and women?

The Welsh don't know yet either.

Short joke my dad used to tell me

A man sees a pretty girl in a bar and asks if she wants to go back to his place.

"I can't," she says, "I'm on my menstrual cycle."

He leans over and says, "That's okay, I brought my moped."

Why don't you see too many short jokes about wedding cakes?

There are too many layers to it.

I know a Spanish comedian who specialises in short jokes.

His name's Juan Lina.

I have a friend who is 4' 9" so I always tell her short jokes...

...because she doesn't have a long attention span.


What is the best thing about short jokes?

There’s no shortage of them.

Need your best Short Jokes

One sentence max, I'll start:
A Dyslexic walks into a bra

Short Jokes

As a short person, I don't understand short jokes. They always go right over my head.

(Can we bring back the good old Chuck Norris short jokes people?-I'll start first)

Chuck Norris is the first guy to have made a knot out of a diamond.

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