We all know that seven ate nine... We were even more disgusted to hear that seven was a six offender... It turns out that the most infamous number didn’t stop there...
Seven cut four teens in half!
We all know that six is afraid of seven because seven ate nine, but why did seven eat nine?
Because you're supposed to eat three squared meals per day.
Why was Six afraid of Seven? Because Seven ate Nine. Lame, right? I made up some more!
Why did Two pay more for socks? Because it was a three-for-five deal!
Why did Four get jealous of Five? Because Five had six with Seven! (And I heard that Seven ate Nine out)
Why did Negative One share its cash prize with Zero after they tied for first place in the race? B...
Microsoft has released Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. What happened to Windows 9 ?
Seven ate nine.
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I was lucky enough to win a couple of coupons for some cool bowling balls with number jokes printed on them.
I won two, three for five, sick "seven ate nine" ten pin bowling balls.
Or in other words I... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...pin bowling balls.
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The Girlfriend Joke
Now, I need to caveat the beginning of this joke with some information. I'm a solid six-outta-ten, a real average looking guy. Never been too smooth wirth the ladies but whaddaya do, never been lonely neither. So, one day I come home from work, I live in a little apartment complex, and I see acro...
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