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My girlfriend has the same name as my grandmother

and whenever she and I are having sex I start thinking about my girlfriend.

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My sister and girlfriend have the same name

I think its a bit disgusting when everytime we have sex I think about my girlfriend

Why did the musician give his daughters the same name?

So he could yell "Anna 1, Anna 2!"

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My girlfriend and my grandma have the same name

The worst thing is that, when we have sex, I yell my girlfriend's name

I don't get why people are upset that some people with the same name met and hung out.

After all, they were just Joshing.

Three bestfriends are all dating men with the same name...

They got confused all the time about which boyfriend they were talking about, so one day they decided to make up some nicknames, one girl was drinking some pop and said "hey, let's name them after pop?", they reply with "sure"
First girl goes and says "I'm going to name mine Mountain Dew cause he...

2 Mexicans with the same name walk into a bar

One says hello my name is ____

Two says oh cool my name is also ____

One replys "oh, i guess I'm not the only Juan"

what do you call two people with the same name?

Joe and John

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, "surely I can't look that old.".

Well . . . you'll love this story..

from a lady called Claire

"My name is Claire..
I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist.

I noticed his degree on the wall, which bore his full name.

Suddenly, I remembered a tall , handsome, dark...

What do you call a group of alcoholics with the same name?

Alcoholics synonymous.

My dentist and orthodontist have the same name...

Isn't that coinci*dental*?

Three formerly wealthy friends, who all had the same name, found a Genie's lamp...

So they decided that when they released the genie each of them would get one wish. So they rubbed the lamp and a genie popped out and said, "hello, I will grant you three wishes." The men explained that they were going to spilt the wishes, and the genie agreed. The first man wished to be the only ma...

2 Russians are robbing a bank...

2 Russians are robbing a bank... Everything went successful, quickly and silently. However, before existing the bank, one Russian stops another one: "Hey, what kind of a robbery is it if no one got injured or killed?"

Russian 2: "You're right, kill that woman that's sitting over there!"

You know what’s funny about Woody and Buzz in Toy Story?

Andy’s mom’s toys have the same name.

Why can't any of the seven dwarfs share the same name?

Because that could create a pair o' Docs.

I have 10 sons and 2 daughters, and I gave the same name to all of them, Jamie...

...It's quite practical, she said, if I need to wake them up I just shout "wake up Jamie!". If I need them to eat I just say "Jamie! Dear, dinner is ready!". They all obey simultaneously.

The interviewer asks "So how do you refer to them when you need to speak to one of them specifically?"...

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Today I learned that Disney had to rename Moana in Italy because an Italian pornstar has the same name


I wonder if Buzz and woody had ever met Andy's mom's toys.

They probably have the same names

I ran over 2 Miles yesterday

Such a coincidence that both unfortunate fellas had the same name.

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I have got a serious problem.

My girlfriend and my sister have a same name, that made my life into a living hell. Whenever we are making love in bed and she's about to orgasm, she wants me to yell her name; but it make me uneasy quiet a lot. Because doing it reminds me of my girlfriend. What should I do?

A husband and wife are having a quiet walk in the park when out of nowhere, a mugger appears and holds them at gunpoint.

(DISCLAIMER: I heard my father telling this joke to his friends when I was little. Sorry if this has been posted here before)

A husband and wife are having a quiet walk in the park when out of nowhere, a mugger appears and holds them at gunpoint.

The mugger said,

"I am ...


asked the Killer

Lily: M-My name is Lily..

Killer: Okay, you've the same name as my mom, I'll let you live. How about you ?!

Marshall: I'm Marshall but my friends call me Lily!

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