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My left nut thinks it's better than my right nut.

He can be egotesticle.

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What did the left nut tell the right nut?

Don't talk to the middle guy, he's a dick.

The army had to fire three of their generals..

They decided that a monetary compensation would be fitting, so they lined the three generals up and said:

"You will be paid a thousand dollars for each centimeter of distance you create from one body part to another"

The first general stretched his arms as far from each other as he pos...

The Indian chief goes to the white man doctor and asks "Too many papoose! What do?"

The doc gives him a condom, and explains the principles.

A couple of months later, the chief comes back, saying "No good! Right nut go urggh! Left nut go urrgh! Rubber go boom!"

So the doc cuts a few custom "rubbers" out of the fingers of a heavy duty latex glove, saying "Try these...

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A tourist is walking back to his hotel from a night of heavy drinking when he suddenly feels the need to pee.

He ducks into a dark alley and relieves himself, when he suddenly hears a raspy voice behind him.

"Hey, hey, mac," the voice says. " Wanna make fifty dollars?"

The man yells, "What!? Who's there!?"

"Relax, man, don't turn around," the voice says. "Listen, man, it's simple. I'll ...

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America is kind of like testicles

If the right nut can't agree with the left nut. We can't produce.

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The Hypnotist. (NSFW)

A hypnotist decides to try out his magic on his girlfriend, Meg, one evening. After a romantic dinner he rakes out his pocket watch and slowly starts swinging it from side to side. Transfixed she stares at it.
He says "When I say head, Meg, you will suck my dick, and when I say right nut, Meg, s...

The Horse Challenge (LONG)

Every year, during fair season, a local farmer takes his horse and sets up a booth at various fairs. The rules are simple and the reward is great; make his horse nod yes and then shake his head no- doing this earns a $500 prize.

As it so happens fair season is in full swing, and the farmer...

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A man was wandering, alone in a forest in rural China

He was getting weary from the long hours of constant walking, and was feeling very thirsty. He stopped to have a look around, and spotted a little shack in the forest. As he approached, an old man with a great long beard came out towards him, and bowed. "I see you are tired from walking, and you loo...

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