Kanye said he is an intellectual who doesn't read books.

Which I get because I am an athlete that rarely moves.

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A joung Jew loved to read books

He loved to read so much that he read all of the books in the library in his town. So one day he went to a bookstore and asked if they had a book that he haven't read yet. An old Jew that worked there said yes and handed the boy a strange, covered in dust book titled "DEATH". He said to the boy: ...

Why doesn't Trump read books?

He only reads MAGAzines

Have you read books?

They are just a remix of the dictionary.

This joke may be one here. I thought of it but someone else may have.

More people would read books if publishers just added the phrase "In My Pants" to the end of every title.

War of the Worlds in My Pants

The Two Towers in My Pants

Great Expectations in My Pants

To Kill a Mockingbird in My Pants

Rising Strong in My Pants

I don't know why people say Donald Trump doesn't read books...

He always gets to chapter 11.

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I only read books when I'm having a shit...

Which is probably the reason why my daughter doesn't ask me for a bedtime story.

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