I just read a book about Stockholm Syndrome.

It was pretty bad at first, but by the end, I liked it.

Recently I read a book called the anticlimax.

The second part was disappointing

I just read a book called "how to survive falling down a staircase"

Yeah it's a step by step guide

I read a book about anti-gravity once...

It was impossible to put down

I just read a book that compares the different versions of The Bible.

There was a lot of…cross referencing.

I recently read a book called 100 Things to Do Before You Die.

I was really surprised that yelling for help was not one of them.

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I read a book about Oedipus and Midas.

It was mother fucking gold.

I read a book called anticlimactic...

the first half was good.

I just read a book about the timber industry. The beginning of the book was much more positive than the rest of it.

It was the prologue.

I tried to read a book about machines that drill large holes in the ground.

It was boring.

I once read a book on how the Titanic was built

It was riveting

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I once read a book with details on sex and the many various pleasurable techniques…

It turned out to be a work of friction!

I read a book instead of playing VR

It was a novel experience.

I just read a book about clocks...

It was almost all second hand information.

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A group of kindergarteners were trying to become accustomed to the first grade.

The biggest hurdle they faced was that the teacher insisted on no baby talk.

“You need to use ‘big people’ words,” she’d always remind them. She asked Chris what he had done over the weekend.

“I went to visit my Nana.”

“No, you went to visit your Grandmother. Use big people word...

Thanks to my internet service provider, I was finally able to read a book....

They had an outage

I started to read a book on general relativity

But I got lost in time

A married couple is lying in bed one night....

A married couple is lying in bed one night.

The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book. As he's reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special bits. He does this a few times, but only for a very short interv...

I once read a book called binary 101

It was 5

I stole this from my IT classroom

Did you hear about the blind man who refused to read a book?

He said, "I'm just not feeling it!"

I read a book the other day,

it said 3-4 years on it but it only took me a week.

[joke about Minecraft] Why can’t the Ender Dragon read a book?

Because she always starts at the End.

Teaching the farm animals to read was going well until the chickens read a book on democracy

Then they staged a Coop d'etat

Me and my dad read a book to understand each other better.

but we were never on the same page

Just read a book about our ankle

Was a painful experience as it had a lot of unexpected twists.

I finally read a book on herbs after years of being hounded by my wife.

It was about Thyme.

I just read a book that rubbed me the wrong way

It was science friction

I recently read a book by Donald Trump on finance

It had 9 chapter 11s.

I read a book the other day about the emotion struggles of an attractive hustler walking down stairs.

The ending was pretty condescending.

I just read a book about Bipolar Disorder.

One hand I liked it and sent it to everyone I know, on the other hand I burned it and my house down.

I just read a book called, "Poo is Great".

The pro-log section was excellent.

"Today I'm planning to read a book on how to avoid information overload"

"But before I start reading, I need to catch up on my latest tv shows, games, news and reddit, and-"

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