"Yeah. Those animals across our southern border have ruined their own country and our trying to invade and ruin ours. With their rampent guns and drugs... their government has become a shambles of nut job military and rich drug addicts who don't care about anyone!


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What do you call it when a woman sucks on the balls of a crazy person?

A nut job

What's a guy doing when he's donating sperm for money?

A nut job

pp joke

once there was this dude who came and went insane right after. total nut job

Why do all professional sperm donors go crazy?

Cause it’s a nut job

A mad scientist walks into a bar..

..carrying 3 glass jars.

He puts the jars on the bar and says to the barman, "I have created life! Here, I have 3 jars, one containing Ice, one containing Water, and one containing Steam. They are all alive!".

The barman laughs and says, "ok, prove it then".

The mad scientist sa...

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A Bartender Walks into a bar

The night time bartender walk in to the bar at 6PM on a Friday night to relieve the day time bartender. He notices a guy sitting over in the corner of the bar with his right hand up to the side of his face and talking away.

The night time bartender says to the other bartender "Look at that ...

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