I hired a new driver last month...

He always goes the extra mile.

I need a new driver.

A new driver was flying down the road with his friend in the passenger seat one night

His friend says, "Hey man, slow down! You're going way too fast."

"Don't worry. My brother taught me how to drive. It's late and the roads are pretty empty."

The young man then blows through a red light without even slowing down. "What the hell?!" his friend says, "This is not cool."...

What did the manual car say to the new driver ?

You really grind my gears !

I heard that new drivers in the US are by law obliged to get an old Honda as their first car.

They call it civic duty.

When Adam Driver has a kid and drives him around town...

...do you think that he'll put a sticker on his car saying "Caution: New Driver"?

Dave has an awesome job

Dave was commissioned to drive the Pope to the airport within the hour. Unfortunately, being a new driver, he got lost.

"It's all right, my son. I used to drive these streets in my youth. We'll get there in time."

The Pope took the wheel with Dave sitting in the back seat. He drove lik...

"I like reverse parking"

I said to my grandad over the Christmas dinner table. As a new driver, I was talking about my new found life on the road.

"I can tell," my grandad responded. "When you did it back and forth 6 times earlier, I thought 'she must really like that'.

This conversation is taken from real l...

A CHP officer noticed a car going extremely slowly down a freeway…

It was going a little over 10 mph according to his radar gun, and as it was completely screwing up the rest of traffic, he decided to pull it over.

He notices that the driver is a blonde woman, and proceeds to go through the typical routine.

"Do you know why I pulled you over ma'am?" h...

A college student was golfing with an old man...

And they get to the 6th hole, a very long par 5 with a huge oak tree right in the middle of the start of the fairway.

The college kid says to the old man, "Any advice on this hole? I'm not sure I can carry over the tree but this hole is too long to lay up on the first shot."

The old ma...

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