Doctor: (handing me my new born baby) I'm sorry but your wife didn't make it

Me: (handing baby back to him) Bring me the one my wife made

What did the new born baby say to the police officer?

I just did 9 months on the inside.

Why was the new born baby crying in his anti vax mom hands

He was having a mid life crisis

A husband and wife are cooing over their new born baby.​

**"Look at the size of his pecker," says the man. "It's massive!"​**
**"Yes dear," says the woman. "But at least he's got your ears."**

A doctor brings new born baby to father

Doctor walks up to the father with baby in arms. He starts repeatedly punching it, kicking it and then throws it in the ground and stomps on it. The father was in shock with his jaw dropped. The doctor then says "just kidding, it was already dead"

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