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I put my phone under my pillow last night.

When I woke up it was gone and there was a $1 coin in it's place.

Fucking Bluetooth Fairy!

Where’s my pillow?

Not at Bed Bath and Beyond
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To the person who stole my pillow

I will not rest until I find you!
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I asked my Pillow if it wanted a snack

It said “No, thanks I’m stuffed”
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I had a dream about a breath freshener left on my pillow.

I ate it and it tasted like a fig. Then I woke up. Guess it was just a fig mint of my imagination.
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My pillow

I designed my own pillow. The pillow to rule all pillows. The perfect dimensions, the perfect stiffness, the perfect material. I sought the finest fabrics from around the globe and set to work on my grandest creation. It took months, but I finished. The last step was to transport it from the se...
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So yesterday I put a ruler under my pillow before sleeping

I just wanted to know how long I sleep.
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The Tooth Fairy wasn't too impressed with the dentures I left under my pillow...

...Tooth be trolled.
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Sometimes my Pillow Talk can get crazy.

But only when it talks back.
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I was looking for my pillow while I slept.

Turns out it was right under my nose the whole time.
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I went to court after my pillow charged me with resisting a-rest

I lost the case
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I was on my bed, relaxing and eating popcorn, when I noticed my pillow was missing it's pillowcase.

I started looking for it in the darkness of my room(I still had a little bit of light). I saw a blanket-ish shadow in my peripheral vision. I reached for it, thinking it was the pillowcase. However, after pressing down on it and hearing the loud, crinkly noise of a near-empty bag of popcorn, I soon ...
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A cat died and went to Heaven

A cat died and went to Heaven. God met the animal at the Pearly Gates and said, “You have been a good cat all of these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking.”

The cat thought for a moment and then said, “All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard, wooden floors… I would like a...
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When I got my first pube, I left it under my pillow and waited for the pube fairy.

And he came.

All over my pillow.
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My girlfriend wanted to talk to me about ‘how childish I am’

But she didn’t know the password to my pillow fort so she couldn’t get in.
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Guess who’s getting some head tonight

My pillow
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I fell asleep with my iPhone under my pillow last night and when I woke up, it was gone and replaced with a shiny new silver dollar...

Damn that Blue-Tooth Fairy!
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[nsfw] Totally legit, but you can use a joke if you want to.

**Scene:** I was living in an apartment complex where all the bedroom windows faced into a small courtyard of sorts, walled on three sides with 3 stories of bedroom windows. None of the apartments in this complex have air-conditioning. It's close to midnight, December in Sydney AUS, it's a hot humid...

Once, at an all boys summer camp, I dreamed I ate a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up my pillow was gone. But that's not what freaked me out...

...the night before that I dreamed I was in a hotdog eating contest.
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My wife says I act really immature and need to grow up

I told her to get the hell out of my pillow fort with that negative attitude
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The Chemical

*One day a boy came home from school. when his grandfather saw him and noticed that his index finger was still and did not move. The grandfather asked him: My dear grandson, why is your finger like this? The boy replied: In the chemistry lab, a chemical was spilled on my finger and the school doctor...
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My wife wants to talk to me about my childish behaviour.

Little does she know she can’t enter my pillow fort without the secret password.
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I’m so disappointed.

I found out my pillow case is nothing but a sham.
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Last night I dreamt I was eating a 15 pound marshmallow…

I woke up this morning and I couldn’t find my pillow.
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last night I had a dream where I was eating the worlds largest marshmellow

then I woke up and said "hey wheres my pillow"
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Pop my Cherry

A man was driving down a remote road when his car broke down. There was no cell service so he walked to the nearest farm. He was approached by a farmer.

“How can I help you?” asked the farmer.

“Can I use a phone, my car broke down?”

“All the phones are down, I can drive you i...

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My wife said she wanted to try some domination in the bedroom.

Cheeky bitch slept with my pillow.

I had a dream that I was eating marshmallows...

...and when I woke up, I discovered I'd chewed my pillow to bits. I'm feeling okay, all things considered. Just a little down in the mouth.
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A kid asked his mom : how did you make me ?

His mom said : one night i put little sugar under my pillow and in the morning you were by my side; The kid grabbed some sugar and put it under his pillow, he woke up in the morning and found an ant in his bed, "If you weren't my son, I swear i would've squashed you!"
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The Dream

A guy wakes up in the morning and tells his wife: “Wow darling, you won’t believe what happened. I dreamt I was forced to eat a live sheep and now I can’t see my pillow anywhere!”
The wife answers, “The pillow’s fine, it’s lying right there on the floor, but I have been calling our dog in va...
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So I had this dream of eating a large marshmallow

The scary part was when I woke up I found my pillow missing.

*Took this off an essay example thing we were given in English, thought it'd be pretty funny to post on here
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My dog is always so excited when I wake up each morning...

It means it is her turn to use my pillow.
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