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Did you hear about the accountant that helped their urologist open a new medical practice?

They had a going concern.

They told me that it’ll take a few years before my medical practice gets off the ground.

But I don’t have the patients.

A group of doctors were getting frustrated while discussing their failing medical practice...

...they were unfortunately running out of patience.

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A large group of first year medical school students filed into a lab...

...during their first week, for the first meeting of their gross anatomy class where they would be examining human cadavers. The professor walked to the front of the room, and addressed the students:

"The most important quality you will need as a physician is unfazability. Nothing can '...

3 men at a funeral..

3 men are at a mutual friend's funeral and witness a really beautiful eulogy. At the reception afterwards, the three of them are sitting together and talking about the funeral when one of them says "Wow, that was really beautiful. What would you guys like to be said about you when you die?" The firs...

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