How do you tell the difference between an English major, a Math major, and a programmer?

Ask them what "!" is

This is my dad's (a math major) favourite joke. What's the difference between an Engineer and a Mathematician?

A mathematician and an engineer are living together in a dorm when a fire starts in their room.

The mathematician wakes up and sees the fire. He quickly scans the room and sees a fire extinguisher and goes back to bed, happy knowing a solution exists.

The engineer wakes up, sees the f...

Always invite the math major to the party.

They are a great addition.

What do math majors get when they graduate?

A radian.

Math majors don't use degrees.

What happens to a math major when he flunks out of school?

The aftermath

Math joke: Why do so many math majors confuse Halloween and Christmas?

Because Oct 31 is Dec 25

Why don't math majors like to drink alcohol?

Because they don't like to drink and derive.

So a Math Major goes in for a job interview...

.... and when he does the man interviewing him asks him to tell him about himself.

The Math Major stuttered and didn't really know how to respond so the man says "tell me about yourself, give me any qualities."

So the Math Major immediately replies "greater than, less than, or equa...

I asked a math major freshman friend this morning, "So what's your four-year plan in college?"

ohhh you mean my Four-Year Transform or Four-Year Series?

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I was excited when my girlfriend told me I have a mean dick

Until I realized she is a math major



A math/engineering convention was being held. On the train to the convention, there were a bunch of math majors and a bunch of engineering majors. Each of the math majors had his/her train ticket. The group of engineers had only ONE tick...

I used to drive my infant daughter (who refused to dribk from a bottle) to the hospital where my wife worked as a nurse so she could breastfeed during her lunch break.

I'm no math major, but I'm pretty sure that means that my wife was nursing².

It's finals week and the only question on the test is "what is 2+2?"

A philosophy major writes a long eloquent response but doesn't bother to actually answer the question.

A math major makes a formal proof that 2=2 and that addition is commutative before using the squeeze theorem to prove that 4≤2+2≤4.

An engineering major knows the answer is 4 but writ...

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