I asked my boss, “Can I leave work early today?”

Boss: Only if you make up the time.

Me: It’s 49 past 70 o clock.

Boss: You’re fired.

There were these three guys. They all worked together at a factory. Everyday they noticed that their boss would leave work a little early.

So one day they meet together and say that today when the boss leaves, they'll all leave early too.
The boss left and so did they.

The first guy goes home and goes to bed so he can get an early start the next day.

The second guy goes home and cooks dinner.

The third guy goes ...

I decided to leave work an hour early today.

The flight attendants started freaking out when I grabbed my parachute though.

"I have to leave work," I told my boss, "my wife is stuck in a house fire!"

"But you're a fireman..." he replied.

I was ready to leave work for the day.

But then my boss told me I have 8 more hours to go.

I had to leave work early to day .. I had a appointment with a horse doctor.

How that horse became a doctor is beyond me

I can't stand homeless people

Every time I leave work, one of them approaches me and shakes his can full of coins just to show off how he has more money than me.

A tiny bucket asks to leave work early because he's sick

His boss looks him over. Alright you can, i notice you are a little pail.

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