This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

I really hope coronavirus can't spread through sex

It would be so lonely being the last man on Earth.

The Last Man on Earth

I wouldn't mind being the last man on Earth. At least I'd find out if all those girls were telling the truth.

The last man on Earth was sitting alone in a room, when all of a sudden his phone rang...

โ€œWeโ€™ve updated our privacy policy.โ€

Asked a girl at the bar if she'd like to come back to my place and she said, "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth."

So I replied, "If I were the last man on Earth, you wouldn't even be allowed in *line*.

CO2 Climate Change Joke

One day the last man on earth went out for a stroll through the wasteland. As he was walking along, a giant, silver flying saucer burst out of the sky and landed before him. The door slowly opened and out of the craft came a little green fella who saw the man and shouted โ€œHey! What happened here?โ€ T...

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