Jerry Springer passed away.

The cause of death was a rare parasite…

…..Jerry was the perfect host.

A young couple consults Jerry Springer to confirm the baby daddy is the real farther.

DNA results:

The good news is... you *are* the father.

The bad news is... you *are also* the uncle.

Who is hosting next year’s Oscars?

Jerry Springer.

The wife said she wanted to go and see

the Jerry Springer show for her birthday.

So I got her sister pregnant!!

We're on next Wednesday!

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A family is having a party...

And the youngest boy is ready before everyone else. His mother is preparing food in the kitchen and asks "can you tell your brother, sister, and father to be ready? The guests are almost here!" With a nod of his head, the young boy scurries off to grab the rest of his family.

He runs upstairs...

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