TIL The Kremlin IT department exclusively uses Linux.

Turns out everyone in the Kremlin has problems with Windows.

The IT department only had 403 COVID19 cases

Case 404 was never found.

The coronavirus must be a nightmare for IT departments.

All TCP applications have to be converted to UDP to avoid handshakes.

The IT department at my work is full of clowns.

Bloody dancing clowns.

My friend at work complained the IT department is so slow, every time she creates a ticket it takes them a month to get to it.

I told her if you wanna get a message to IT, you've got to post it on reddit.

What type of job would a spider have?

They would work for the IT department doing web inspection.

At a programming job interview, I was surprised to see the interviewing manager was a snake...

Nevertheless, I decided to roll with it, presenting myself as any other interviewee would. However, at the end, I couldn't help but ask:

"So, how did a snake end up working here?"

The snake smirked and replied "Ith really quith thimple. I goth my thart in the IT department and worked m...

Why is Pennywise good with computers?

Because he works in the IT department.

I called Pennywise earlier and asked him to fix my computer.

He's one of the best workers in the IT department.

Yo mamma so fat...

When you download a picture of her at work, the IT department thinks they're under a DDoS attack.

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