sleeplessawakewatchfulsleepless personsomnambulistdrowsenapjunkiedozeslumberousdreamwakefulsnoozesnorezed

What happens when two insomniacs sleep together?

They sleep less

The insomniacs are getting all excited.

Only 2 more sleeps till Christmas.

Insomniacs love this time of year...

Only five more sleeps until Christmas!

Insomniacs are sick human beings...

...how do they even sleep at night?

Good news, insomniacs!

Only 1 more sleep 'til Christmas!

Why do cops hate insomniacs?

Because they are always resisting a rest

Why do insomniacs always solve things quickly?

They don't sleep on it.

What do dyslexic, agnostic, insomniacs do at night?

Sit up and wonder if there is a dog.

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