Some people like playing Battleship, whereas others really dislike it.

It’s….hit or miss.

Some of my friends loved the game Battleship while the others absolutely hated it.

It was…hit or miss.

Sometimes I'm good at batting practice, sometimes I'm not

It's really hit or miss.

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This really isn't a good joke but...

In an alternate universe, Hitler gains power of the whole world (somehow) and he is so full of himself, he changes the official title of a man from mister to the first 3 letters of his name.

In this alternate universe, Hitler doesn't believe in Aryan supremacy but supports LGBT (bear with me)...

My first joke - don't crucify me please

Mac decided to go to the shooting range with his friend. Having never shot a gun before, he is a little nervous that he'll embarrass himself by performing poorly at the range but his friend reassures him that he'll do alright. Once they arrive they make their way to the back where the instructor is ...

I can never be consistent when I play sniper.

It's always a hit or miss.

Quality control at a Whack-a-Mole factory

...Is either hit or miss

When it comes to physically abusive relationships...

They are hit or miss

Dark jokes are like Malaysian Airlines flights

They're either hit or miss.

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A shy 8th grader has a wooden eye.

He was born with only one working eye and constantly feels insecure about his condition which he is ridiculed for by the rest of his class. But he is not the only person in the class subject to the class' tormentors. There also happens to be a young girl in the class who is frequently made fun of fo...

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A young man, named Jeff, recently joined a marketing company

And he was doing kind of well. His ads were always slightly overperforming in contrast to many others who had "hit or miss" situations, but his good work were completely by John Avoh, who knocked it out of the park constantly, receiving praise, companies asking for him personally and so on and so fo...

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