If you've spent ages figuring out how to hang herbs and spices off your belt...

You've probably waisted thyme.

My wife always weeps when we go to the herbs and spices section of our grocery store...

...Seasonal depression is no joke, guys.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

I made a shit recipe with all the herbs and spices i know

Anyways it was a waste of thyme

My wife left me because, according to her, I talk about herbs and spices too much.

Oh well.... It was probably thyme.

Did you hear about the man who reviews herbs and spices?

I heard he's a seasoned expert.

I almost completed my collection of herbs and spices today!

But i didn't have the thyme.

On my weekends I've been inventing a machine that can distribute herbs and spices to any place at my dining table.

It's not much, but it passes the thyme.

Four farmers are feeding their chickens

The first farmer asks, "So, how do y'all like your chicken?"

The second farmer says, "I like mine roasted with some herbs and spices."

The third farmer says, "I like mine deep fried with some biscuits and gravy."

The fourth farmer takes out a bag of marijuana and feeds it to his...

Little Ken Fok grew up working hard in his father’s restaurant in China

Every day before school he would get up at 6am and help prepare the dishes for that days lunch before coming home from school at 4pm to help with the evening shift by preparing and serving customers. He would make Spicy crab cakes, shredded pork and tofu. He would work until midnight and then repeat...

Scientists analysed sweat samples of 100 regular KFC visitors.

11 secrete herbs and spices

A comedian was on vacation in London.

A comedian was on a vacation in London when he came across a large crowd. He pushed and squeezed his way past the ocean of people and saw the Royal Family who were on their way to have lunch. As he takes out his phone to snap a photo, he saw from the corner of his eye a shady man pushing past the cr...

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