A Seventh Grade Health Class

was learning about pregnancy. Young Suzy asks her teacher, "Can my grandma get pregnant?" Her teacher replies that no, she can't, shes far too old. Suzy then asks if her fifty year old mother could get pregnant. Her teacher tells her no, shes a little too old for that. Suzy, puzzled, asks if she can...

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Made this one up in health class today

Suzy gets invited to go to her first high-school party with alcohol. Her mother is no fool and understands how teenagers are, so she sits Suzy down and gives her the talk "Now Suzy. it is normal for girls and boys your age to begin to have sex. It is natural and nothing to be ashamed of , BUT if you...

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I was teaching my health class about the female anatomy...

"This is the vagina. This is the clitoris, and this is the anus. Any questions?"

"Yes," said one of the students, "Can I put my jeans back on now?"

What do you call the Mental Health class at Hogwarts?

Defence against the Dark Thoughts.

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Why Condoms comes in 3,6 and 12 Pack?

A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, “What are these, Dad?”

To which the man matter-of-factly replies, “Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe $ex.”

“Oh, I see,” replied the boy pensively. ...

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A Texas A&M (Aggie) grad, a Texas Tech (TT) grad and a University of Texas (UT) grad end up at the urinals in a bar.

The Aggie finishes first, walks over to the sink and loudly proclaims "In my health class at Texas A&M we were taught to wash our hands after using the bathroom to prevent disease" and proceeds to splash soap and water everywhere. Additionally, while drying off he uses more paper towels than are...

When I was little I heard that Russians liked to drink A lot...

After going through health class I realized that was bad but hey, if they wanted to be alcoholics then Soviet

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It hurts every time!

During high-school health class, the topic of sex came up. Whilst discussing it, the teacher described it as, "the most pleasurable experience you will ever have".

After hearing this, a girl from the back of the class calls out, "You're lying! It hurts every time!"

Puzzled, the teacher...

A kid comes home from school and asks his dad a question.

The kid says, "Dad, today in Health class we learned that premature babies are at risk for having defects in their life, and Mom says I was born before I should have been. Does that make me premature?"

The dad laughs, and grips his son's shoulder, "Kiddo, you're not premature, you just surviv...

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