They say good dads are hard to find...

But bad dads are even harder to find

It's hard to find a good partner in most of the US

But in Alabama, you can find a partner with relative ease

Was it hard to find guillotine operators?

Not really, some people will do anything to get A Head.

I'm trying to organize a hide and seek tournament but it's really difficult... Good players are hard to find."

but it's really difficult... Good players are hard to find

hard to find coins, hard to find killer...

A rare coin dealer was found dead in his shop on thursday morning.

Police said he was beaten 'cent-less...'

Why is Atlanta hard to find on a map?

Because it’s area code is 404

Hard to find good help nowadays

A secretary walks into her boss's office and says, "Can I use your Dictaphone?"
He says, "No, dial with your finger like everyone else."

I told my date that a man like me is hard to find, and she didn't believe me.

So I said, "Just ask the police."

It’s hard to find deals for prosthetics in today’s economy.

They charge me an arm and a leg for their product.

It's hard to find a funny chemistry joke here

All the best Argon.

A great worker is hard to find.

That's why I hide when I get to work.

Werewolves are notoriously hard to find...

Otherwise they'd be known as Therewolves.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Why is it hard to find jews?

They are behind everything

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

It's not hard to find porn on Reddit.

I come across it all the time.

Why is it so hard to find the world's best tribute band?

Because they cover their tracks so well

Why are Good steaks hard to find?

Because it’s a rare medium well done.

Why was the Austrian composer so hard to find?

Because he was Haydn.

Why is the element Ah always so hard to find on the periodic table?

It’s the element of surprise.

My wife sent me out looking for a hard to find French cheese...

It's called camofromage.

Sorry this joke is so cheesy, but my kid thought it was Gouda.

It was pretty hard to find a cheap way to get our son circumcised...

...But in the end we pulled it off.

(This is not a joke) I'm a linguistic researcher that is working on the semiotic of jokes and need help to find exemples of a particular type of joke.

Hi, I hope this is not against the rules but I need help for a research paper centered around jokes, and this obviously looks like a good place for that.

I am working on linguistic structuralism to try to find the linguistic value of surprise in a joke. (I'm simplifying a lot, but i can expla...

I really love playing chess with elderly people in the park.

It's just really hard to find thirty two of them willing to do it .

Two Brothers Move to the City

There were two brothers who lived in the country.

One day they decided they wanted to move to the big city and get jobs there. When they got there they went to the employment office to ask for jobs.

The first brother went in for an interview and less than 10 minutes later he comes out ...

Husband: "I want a divorce...

My wife hasn't spoken to me in six months"

Lawyer: "Think about it once again.Wives like that are hard to find."

Every Psychic I ever visited was either a bit depressed or way too excitable..

It's really hard to find the happy Medium..

Proud my girlfriend refers to my junk as a weapon of mass destruction

Unfortunately she meant hard to find.

My boss came to me at lunch,

Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to find you all morning!"

I shrugged and said, "Good employees are hard to find!"

Boss shows up at a job site

Boss: "Bob where were you I've been looking for you since morning!!!!! It's lunch time already!!!!"

Bob: "Boss, a good employee is hard to find."

The three guys at an interview joke just posted here reminded me of another version we used to tell about 20 years ago.. is it a repost? I don't know, probably yes, but does anyone really care ;) ?

Three guys interviewing to be a detective.

The final step is with the chief inspector who says, "Ahh, so you wanna be detectives, eh? The first skill you need is perception, let's see how you guys do with that"

He calls them into his office one by one.

The first guy goes in and ...

Why is women’s soccer so rare?

It’s quite hard to find enough women willing to wear the same outfit.

Being white has its disadvantages too, you know.

It can be super hard to find a rap song on iTunes when you spell all the words correctly.

I opened an Indian restaurant called the ghee spot

It's hard to find

Six Months

"I'm getting a divorce," said Jack to his friend, Bill. "The wife hasn't spoken with me for six months." Bill thought for a moment and then replied, "Just make sure you know what you're doing, Jack. Wives like that are hard to find."

Why is it difficult for orphans to play baseball?

Because it's hard to find home

Somebody asked why I was hiding at work?

“Because a good employee is always hard to find”

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