TIL in germany when someone is diagnosed with coeliac disease other coeliacs will chase and try and hit them with bread to make them feel welcomed.

It's called gluten tag.

What do you call a game where Germans throw bread at each other

Gluten tag

I said hello to a German Baker the other day

He said, "Gluten Tag!"

When German children play a game involving touching each other with bread...

it's called gluten tag.

I'll show myself out.

What did the German celiac patient say when he walked into the doctors office?

Gluten tag!

Do you know why Wholefoods isn't expanding to Germany?

Gluten tag!

(This is my first joke)

Isn’t it the Germans who love playing wheat games?

I hear them talk about Gluten Tag all the time!

Growing up in Germany, we always had this game that we'd play where we'd run around and hit each other with bread

Man, I miss Gluten Tag

German celiacs have one day a year where they eat whatever they want without worrying about the consequences.

This is known as the Gluten Tag.

What do you call it when a German hits you with a loaf of bread?

Gluten Tag

And when a hippie hits you with a loaf of bread?

Flour power

And when a lot of people do it at the same time?

a rye-ot

Grocery shopping on a diet is easy in Germany..

Just look for the *gluten tag*.

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