What do you call getting shot for attempted sedition?

Capitol Punishment

I hate getting shots.

They get under my skin.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

My friend redeems himself after getting shot down...

My coworker was hitting on these two women who were way put of his league. They tolerated him for a while thinking he would go away, but he was persistent to the point that they were getting visibly agitated.

Thinking she would put him in his place, one of the women finally said, "Look buddy...

Say What You Will About Getting Shot

But it always starts off with a bang.

My dating life is just like these UFOs

Always getting shot down!

My wife is never gonna believe why her valentine gifts arenโ€™t here today.

I ordered her balloons from Temu but they keep getting shot down.

What's the difference between anti-vaxx kids, and kids in an American school?

One dies from not getting shots.

The other dies from getting shot.

What does Gen Z have in common with the Greatest Generation?

They consider it a great achievement if they survive childhood without getting shot.

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