Trent Reznor is going to have a hard time getting into heaven...
....because Jesus hates nine inch nails.
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Getting into heaven
A man comes home after 5 years in the army, his wife says “I had a son while you were away, he’s yours”. The child looks 2 years old at most so the husband tried to argue that it can’t be his but his wife refuses to budge. After days of drinking and nagging the man loses it, grabs a gun and shoots h...
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Getting into Heaven
A young man stood before St. Peter who tells him "Son, to let you into Heaven you must tell me one good thing you've done on Earth"
The guy thinks for a moment and replies "Well, I saw some some bikers out the front of a bar harassing a girl. So I walked over to the biggest biker, kicked his ...
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Getting into Heaven: what's the worst thing you've done?
These 3 guys have died and are waiting to get into heaven, and St. Peter has his checklist, marking off items to see if they can pass though the pearly gates.
Peter asks the first one, "What's the worst thing you did during your life?" and the guy answers, "Well, once I cheated on my wife....
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I was testing children in my Sunday School class to see if they understood the concept of getting into heaven.
I asked them, "If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?"
"NO!" the children answered in unison.
"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the garden, and kept everything tidy, would that get me into heaven?...
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Just beyond the Gates of Hell, an alcoholic, a womanizer, and a stoner find themselves standing in front of three identical doors.
There to greet them is none other than Satan, who tells them a secret method to getting into Heaven: Each man must spend 1,000 years in a room with their greatest vice. If he does so, he will be allowed to enter Heaven. The catch? At the end of the 1,000 year period, if the man asks to be let out of...
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3 men die on Christmas morning...
Three men die on Christmas morning. They end up in front of the pearly gates and Saint Peter, even though none of them ever expected it.
Peter says "You guys drink, smoke and womanize. You shouldn't be getting into heaven. However, it's Christmas and I'm feeling festive. If you can each show ...
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