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A man found a genie lamp

When the rubbed it the genie came out and stated the rules.

Genie: You cannot wish for more wishes, immortality, or love.

Man: I wish to not die a virgin

Genie: I just said no wishing for immortality

A man finds a genie lamp, rubs it and poof a Genie appears.

Genie: I have the power to grant you 3 wishes but keep in mind, whatever you wish, your mother-in-law will receive two-fold…

Man: Ok. My first wish is for 1 billion dollars.

Genie: Your wish is granted, but keep in mind that your mother-in-law will receive 2 billion dollars.


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Mouse and a bear find a genie lamp

A mouse and a bear find a genie lamp in the woods. The bear rubs it and a genie pops out and says,
"Thank you for freeing me, for doing so I grant you both three wishes each."

The bear went first and said, "I wish the entire earth was covered in forests," and the genie makes the whole eart...

God finds a genie lamp.

He wishes people would stop wishing to him. Genie says that's a hard one I'm gonna have to pray for some help.

Communist found genie lamp

Genie: What is your wish?

Communist: I wish everything will be ours.

Genie: What is our next wish?

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In a bar (long)

I forget where I heard this one but it’s one of my favorites.

A man walks into a bar and sits down looking very miserable. Another man sees him and asks “having a bad day?” To which the first man responded “I just got married and put a down payment on our dream house, overextended our credit...

Genie Lamp

A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette were all lost in the desert. They found a lamp and rubbed it. A genie popped out and granted them each one wish. The redhead wished to be back home. Poof! She was back home. The brunette wished to be at home with her family. Poof! She was back home with her family...

A blonde girl finds a genie lamp in the desert

Not knowing how to use it, She comes back from her trip still with the genie lamp not used and goes straight to her best friend to ask her how to make a genie come. So her friend tells her to grab on to the lamp and start rubbing it as fast as she can
So she grabs on tight, starts rubbing the la...

A guy is walking on a beach when he finds a genie lamp..

He rubs the lamp and a Genie pops out.

The Genie says, "Thank you for releasing me. I will grant you one wish."

The guy doesn't hesitate.."I want to be world famous! I want my name in lights in every theater around the world!"

"Done!", says the Genie.."Your name is now EXIT."

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An old woman finds a Genie lamp and brings it home...

She decides to polish it and rubs it with a cloth.

*POOF!* a Genie appears

Genie: "Thank you for freeing me, I grant you three wishes. What will they be?"

Old woman, shocked: "Eh...Um.. Err. I GOT IT! Make me a young and rich queen!"

Genie snaps his fingers and she turns...

Three men found a genie lamp that grants the opposite of what is wished

The first man wishes that he would win the lottery. He buys his first ticket, and loses, buys his second ticket, and loses. Every week the man dumped his savings into lottery tickets, until he was completely broke.

The second man wishes for a healthy and long life. He decides to abuse his wis...

An older couple finds genie lamp.

The genie pops out and says they each get a wish.

The wife guys 1st and says, "I want to travel around the world with my husband!"

Suddenly plane tickets and packed bags appear cute both of them.

The husband grins and says, "I wish my wife was younger!"

In an instant the ...

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A couple finds a genie lamp in a house

A couple is playing golf in a residential neighborhood and the husband accidentally sends a ball flying into a window. They feel bad so they go in to apologize

They go in and see a mysterious man and ask "are you okay?"
"Thank you for freeing me from my lamp, in return I shall grant you t...

Three men are stranded in the desert and find a genie lamp

My dad has told me this joke when I was younger and I thought that I’d just post it here

They are all starving and dehydrated in the hot desert. Pablo the Mexican walks up to the genie lamp and rubs it...

Genie: Pablo the Mexican, I will grant you one wish and one wish only! Choose yo...

A man finds a genie lamp at an old antique store

He takes it home and is rubbing it when a genie comes out. The genie tells him that he is an older genie and because of this can only grant the man one wish. The man thinks for a while and tells the genie "well I really like traveling to Hawaii. I'd like a highway that goes all the way from Californ...

a man finds a genie lamp

and the genie says I will grant you one wish...

The man thinks for a moment, and says, I'd like for you to build a road from my house to Hawaii, because I've always wanted to go there, but I don't like boats or planes, I'd just rather drive.

The genie replies, "that would be impossible...

A Genie Lamp with a Twist

A recently divorced man, heartbroken and down on his luck, comes across a magical genie lamp. Thinking his luck has finally changed, he rubs the lamp and out pops a genie.

"I am an all and powerful genie. You get three wishes, but I must tell you in advance, anything you wish for, your ex-wif...

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A Bear and Rabbit Find a Genie Lamp in the Forest

A Bear and Rabbit find a genie lamp in the forest. They both rub the lamp and out comes the genie.

Genie says "you each have three wishes, Bear, what first wish?" Bear says "I want every bear in this forest be a female bear." Genie snaps his finger, and all of the other male bears disappear...

A married woman is walking through a desert cave one day when she comes across a magical genie lamp

She rubs the lamp, and a genie comes out. "Thank you for getting me out of that cursed lamp! I... I was so crowded in there. Listen, to make it up to you, I'll give you three wishes".

The woman is overjoyed. She jumps up and down excitedly, but then the genie speaks again.

"However, I...

Man walks into a bar with a small wooden box and a genie lamp

He sits down and orders a drink. The bartender asks "what's in the box?" The man asks if there is a piano in the bar. The bartender says yes, so the man opened the box. A small man, about 12" in height, leaps from the box and goes straight to the piano and starts playing some beautiful classics. Th...

Three guys are stranded in a desert. By a stroke of luck, they find a magic genie lamp.

The genie grants each of them one wish.

The first guy wishes to be back home. Wish granted.

The second guy wishes the same. Wish granted.

The third guy says, "It feels very lonely here now, I wish my friends were with me…” Wish granted.

Two guys were on a golf course playing a couple rounds when one turns to the other and says "Hey man, do you have a lighter?" the other guy opens up a compartment on his golf bag and says "Yeah, here you go." and hands the first guy this giant lighter.

The first guy says "Man that's a huge lighter, where'd you get this?" the other guy says "Oh, well, there's this genie lamp I found, rubbed it, genie came out, and said he'd grant me one wish." The first guy says "Wow, that's crazy, do you still have the lamp?" The other guy opens up another compart...

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A man's car died in the middle of a desert.

Some days later, he was desperate to find some water or shelter, as he was some time away to die of thirst. While he was still exploring, he found something which he has never seen before: A genie lamp!

It was pretty dirty and covered with sand, so he wiped it. As soon as he did so, TA-DA!! A...

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A good wish from Genie!!!

4 friends made their annual monthly meeting. Every 3rd week of each month they go out same bar same time same friday night.

As always they endup pretty drunk and a 3 o'clock in morning they call out this night and start go home. While walking on empty and dark street they were still having f...

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A man rubs a genie lamp and out pops the Genie, and the Genie says to him "I will grant you 3 wishes, but there is a catch, your ex gets twice what I give you"

The man says "I want a billion dollars" The Genie 'poofs' the money in front of him, then does another 'poof' off to the side. The guy says "What was that?" The Genie says " I just gave her 2 billion dollars", This guy is pissed, but he's got 2 wishes left, He says "I want a 40 room mansion along th...

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