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TIL the Reverse Cowgirl position is frowned upon in West Virginia.

It just ain't right turning your back on family.

Back in the day, autoeroticism was frowned upon…

But I’m dating myself

Eating dogs is frowned upon….

…not just for medical and ethical reasons, but because the meat is also a little ruff.

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People say it’s frowned upon in society to talk poorly about the Jews..

They say its bad Jew Jew.

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What do pussies and Burger King have in common? [NSFW]

It’s generally frowned upon to eat them in the middle of a McDonald’s.

In Germany it’s frowned upon to manhunt people named Kyle

It’s in poor taste to seek Kyle

Do you think it would be frowned upon..

if I contorted my face at a demonic clown?

A French, a German and an Italian spy are captured one day.

The captors grab the French spy, take him to the next room and tie his hands behind a chair.They then proceed to torture him for 2 hours before he finally cracks, answers all questions and gives up all of his secrets.

The captors then grab the German spy. They tie his hands behind the chair i...

Why was the Mathematician frowned upon?

He was a chronic math-debater

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A group of teenagers were getting into a yo mama fight

And everyone was getting into it except the indian boy at the back.

When asked why he wouldn't participate
He replied: "I too would make fun of your mothers but in my culture disrespecting cows is frowned upon."

Taking the side length that’s opposite of an angle in a right triangle is very much frowned upon.

It’s considered a sin.

After winning the game I decided to throw my ball into the crowd

Apparently that’s frowned upon in bowling

What's the similarity between a joke and a small, cute, furry mammal?

They both die when dissected

I got fired from my job at the sperm bank today

Apparently dipping your finger in the sample cup and saying “oh this is spicy I actually asked for mild” is frowned upon

Queen Victoria didn’t do such a good job keeping drinking water away from toilet water...

but it was still frowned upon to cholera fool.

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Why are farmers always getting kicked out of parties?

It's frowned upon to rock out with your cock out.

In life, sometimes it's not good to be very specific.

For instance, it's okay to say "I love kids" but it's frowned upon to say "I love 12 year olds."

People didn't smile for pictures in the early days of photography...

It was frowned upon.

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A religious mother sees her young son masturbating

When the father gets home he sees that the mother is beyond consolation. 'Oh no what would God think of us for raising such an immoral child' she cries hysterically.

The father tells her 'Honey don't worry, let me deal with it, tomorrow I am gonna take our son on a road trip and we will have ...

Banned from the Holy City

Apparently, it is frowned upon to visit the Wailing Wall dressed as Captain Ahab.

Smiling is disencoursged in my country.

It isn't illegal but it is frowned upon.

What's different between mexican university and english ones?

Finishing earlier on your essay is frowned upon.

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What do a crematorium and an auditorium have in common?

It's apparently frowned upon to jerk off in either.

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The best soccer team in the world

We will put gays as defenders, since they pressure well from the back.

Arabs, Chinese and Caucasians in mid because they bring color to the field.

Jews will be attackers because it's frowned upon to chase them.

And a 50 year old nun as our goalkeeper.
Because she hasn't let...

Why shouldn't ISIS be destroying ancient Mesopotamian buildings?

Because it's frowned upon in Islam to smoke ziggurats.

Unlicensed Proctologists

I heard on the news that some med school dropouts end up practicing proctology illegally. It's certainly frowned upon, but inevitably some unqualified professionals end up slipping through the cracks.

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Things I've learned from video games

My mother has been fucked to death many times.

I'm really a cigarette in disguise.

I'm also actually of African descent, my father will be very upset to find that one out. Though my real father is probably one of those random people who fucked her to death.

A lot of people are m...

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