What's the difference between your mom and a mosquito?

Your mom doesn't stop sucking when I smack her

What’s the difference between your mom and a refrigerator?

A refrigerator doesn’t fart when you take the meat out.

What's the difference between your mom and a laundromat washer?

The washer doesn't take loads for free.

What the difference between your mom and washing machine

The washing machine doesn’t get clingy after I drop a load in it.

Whats the difference between your Mom and the Pringles guy?

I can't get my whole fist in the Pringles guy's can.

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What's the difference between your mom and the subway?

Homeless guys have to pay $2.50 to jerk off on the subway.

What's the difference between your mom and the Empire State Building?

Not everyone's been up the Empire State Building

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What's the difference between your mom and a condom?

A condom wasn't on my dick last night!

What's the difference between your mom and a bowling ball?

Your mom can't fit in a bowling ball.

What's the difference between your mom and wine?

With age, wine doesn't suck anymore.

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What's the difference between your mom and a rooster?

A rooster says "Cock-a-doddle-doo", and your mom says "Any-cock-will-do!"

What's the difference between your mom and a pizza?

A pizza doesn't beg me to keep going when I'm eating it.

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This may seem stupid, but can I get a bit of help?

I really love jokes with the construction:

What's the difference between x and y? One is a(n) __________ and the other is a __________

Now, the thing that kills me about these is where there's the turn in the punchline, like (making this up):

What's the difference between your ...

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