There is a coin shortage in America

They are officially out of Common Cents

Did you hear how there's a national coin shortage?

The U.S. Mint's production of about 1 billion coins per month has been slowed due to COVID-19 safety precautions for the workers.

The good news is that they've overcome the bottlenecks and will be overclocking their machines for increased production. They plan on averaging 1.65 billion coins ...

Due to the coin shortage the restaurant didn’t give me any change.

It’s non-cents.

In response to the American coin shortage, Canada has committed to providing the U.S. aid

They give us Nickelback

I apologize for the coin shortage.

I started a swear jar.

There is a national coin shortage. Go figure...

All anybody is saying right now is that we need change.


Since the united states has a nationwide coin shortage, does that mean we lack common cents?

First, we bought toilet paper for a respiratory virus because we lack common sense.

Now, we have a nationwide coin shortage, which means we lack common cents!

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