A lot of stuff, there's 4 whole movies plus some short films.
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Yes, Buzz Lightyear could kill all the other toys
But Woody?
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Why was Buzz Lightyear at the Lexus dealership?
To go beyond Infiniti
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What did the dog say to Woody after accidentally swallowing Buzz Lightyear?
You got a friend in me.
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What would you call Buzz Lightyear if he was an alcoholic?
Buzzed Allyear
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The scale in the bathroom is nicknamed Buzz Lightyear.
When I step on it goes to infinity and beyond.
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What do Buzz Lightyear and Bees have in common?
They both can fly.
You thought I was going to make a pun? I'm not that shallow.
Now buzz off.
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Yo mama's so fat
that buzz lightyear says, "To infinity and your mom!"
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
Pillsbury Doughboy
So, the Pillsbury Doughboy was walking down the street one day minding his own business when Woody from Toystory happens upon him. The two recognize each other and say hello, and have a little chat. As the pair were saying their good byes, Woody asks "Can I poke your belly." Doughboy says "I would r...
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