A baby seal walks into a bar.

Bar keep asks, "what do you want?"

The baby seal replies, "anything but a Canadian Club on the rocks."

Why don't baby seals go dancing?

They're terrified of clubs!

Two baby seals walked into a club

The end

So a baby seal walks into a club.

Ooops didn't read the rules. But it's a short one. Been awhile since the seal hunters got a lot of publicity though.

Baby seal walks into a club.

Years later he would sing A kiss from a rose in the same club.

Baby Seals are some of the best animals to party with!

Until we made the unfortunate decision to go clubbing...

So, a baby seal walks into a club...

*Best joke i've ever heard.*

I got a job tending to baby seals once.

I got fired the first day for using a baseball bat. I guess they had a strict club only policy!

A baby seal walks into a club....

ba dum bump - ting....

What's a baby seals' least favourite drink?

Canadian Club on the Rocks

A thousand baby seals walk into a club.

The Inuit are happy with a good season this year.

A man is arrested for killing a condor

A man is arrested for killing an endangered condor. Before the judge, the man says, "Your honor, I only killed the condor to feed my hungry family."

The judge says, "Well, I can't charge a man for feeding his family. And I'm curious so I'll let you off with a warning if you answer one questio...

Did you guys hear about the new sister game to club penguin?

Club baby seals

I have seen this one on here before but nobody ever gets it right...

A baby seal walks into a club
What a tragedy....

I like bald eagles.

They taste almost just like baby seals.

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