I was walking passed a farm and a sign said ‘Duck, eggs’.

I thought, that’s an unnecessary comma. And then it hit me.

I was trying to figure out why someone would throw a pie in my face.

And then it hit me.

I forgot how my boomerang worked so I just threw it

And then it hit me...

Standing in the park today I wondered, "why does a frisbee get larger the closer it gets?"

And then it hit me.

I never wanted to believe the rumors about my company’s tech department being abusive until I had to have them come fix an issue with my office computer.

And then IT hit me.

I’ve been playing in the street all day wondering why I haven’t seen a single car

And then it hit me

I'm a physicist and I went to a baseball game the other day....A foul ball got hit my way.... As the baseball came toward me, I was trying to work out how long it would take to reach me, based on its arc and velocity...

And then it hit me.

I’ve been wondering why it is called a punch line towards the end of jokes...

And then it hit me

Yesterday I was walking,

and I was wondering why everyone always told me to look both ways before crossing a street. And then it hit me.

I thought I'd lost my boomerang the other day when I threw it too hard

And then it hit me

I threw a brick in the air and pondered what would happen...

... and then it hit me.

The roof was caving in by the minute. I spent my few seconds deciding what to do...

And then it hit me.

So the other day I was crossing the street trying to remember something very important,

And then it hit me, at 50 mph.

I was out shooting the other day and I thought “why do objects appear larger the closer they get?”

And then it hit me.

A ghost threw a ball at me once

At first i was confused......

and then it hit me...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

The other day, I couldn't get my tractor to start

The other day, I couldn't get my tractor to start. So I went round the front to see why it wasn't working. I flicked a lever, fiddled with a few buttons, pulled the line...

And then it hit me.

Earlier, I was wondering why my boomerang hadn't come back after I threw it.

And then it hit me.

I was wondering why a guy was throwing rocks at me

And then it hit me.

I spent two hours looking for my axe.

And then it hit me.

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