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As I walked into the park at 7am, I saw a man had been trapped under a fallen tree

He saw me and shouted “Get Help!”.

I replied “Fuck Off!” and took a swig from my bottle of vodka. “I can quit anytime I want!”.

My friend suggested I should go jogging at 7am instead of 7pm and...

I got to admit, it's a night and day difference.

I was in a hotel the other week and the phone next to my bed rang - they said “hi, it’s reception - it’s 7am and you’re quite overweight for your age”.

I’ll tell you, it was a wake-up call.

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I wake up at around 7am to hear this pounding at my door as if it’s about to cave in

So I open the door and I see this 6ft cockroach. Before I can even ask him how’s he doing he picks me up and flings me across the hallway of my house. Moving at rapid speed he’s got me in a headlock and delivers some devastating punches. I’m gutted to say I passed out from the sheer pain. Next day w...

Why were 6am, 7am, 8am and 9 am sad?

Because they were mourning

A woman walks into the kitchen and sees her husband drinking from a shot glass at 7am...

Her:”A bit early to be drinking isn’t it?”
Him:”It’s tea”
Her:”What kind of tea do you drink from a shot glass?”

From my 10 year old son.

Ps. I can stop drinking anytime I want.

A drunk stumbles out of the bar at 7am....

As he walks home, he sees a nun walking towards him. He stares her down the entire time as they get closer and closer. Right as they are about to pass, he punches her right in the face, knocking her out cold, then stands over her body and yells, "Not so tough today, are ya, Batman?".

A man suddenly appeared at the gates of Hell… (Story Joke)

He looked up to see the Devil sitting at a chair.

“Hello my friend,” The Devil said kindly, “How are you this fine eternity?”

“A bit confused,” the man replied, “I didn’t realise that I was dead.”

“I understand,” the Devil said sympathetically, “Why don’t you tell me how you go...

Maurice is 70 years old and makes an appointment to see his doctor. His doctor asks him a few questions.

His doctor asks him a few questions: "Do you have any problems urinating?"

Maurice replies "No, Doctor. It's very regular, every morning at 7am."

"And what about your bowel movements?"

Maurice replies "They're fine also, Doctor. Every morning at 8am."

"So then why did you...

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So a man takes a shit every morning at 6AM

He goes to the hospital to check it out, the doctor then says, "There's nothing wrong with pooping every morning." The man then replies, "Yes, but the problem is that I wake up at 7AM."

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Regular as clockwork...

Every morning I pee at 6:15AM, then poop at 6:30AM. Problem is I don’t wake up until 7AM.

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My elderly dad goes to the doctor

He says the doctor, “doc, every morning at 7AM I take a shit.”

The doctor says, “sir, that’s amazing that you can be so regular at your age.”

My father replies, “I don’t think you understand. I wake up at 8.”

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A man goes to the doctor where it is determined he has a tapeworm.

The doctor says “every morning at 7am stick 2 soft boiled eggs up your butt, then a cookie.” The man hesitates, but he trusts the doctor. “And come back next week at 7am.”

The man shoved 2 eggs then a cookie up his butt...

Three old men are sitting on a porch relaxing...

The first old man complains about having trouble moving his bowels.

The second old ma complains about having trouble urinating.

The third old man says, “every morning at 7am I relieve myself, then at 7:15 I take a huge dump.

The other two men look at him and say what’s wrong...

A tourist driving across rural England decided to stay the night in a small town.

The only place with rooms available was a quaint English pub, The George and Dragon, which had a lovingly painted sign with a Knight beside a defeated dragon blowing in the evening breeze.

Entering the bar room, which while empty had a roaring fire against the back wall, leather padded booths...

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3 Old-timers Were Discussing Problems of Old Age

The first one had urinary problems and said “It’s really terrible because I’m always
having to get up in the middle of the night to pee..and then other nights I need to pee
but nothing comes out. I’d give anything to just be able to pee normally.”

The second guy had elimination issues....

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My favorite joke, courtesy of my buddys dad.

(A Newfy is a Newfoundlander, A north eastern Canadian it's interchangeable, just how I heard the joke) A Newfy calls up his lawyer looking for a divorce. The lawyer curious of the circumstances says "Great! do you have a suit?" The Newfy replies "Yup, wears it to church every Sunday." The lawyer th...

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Please be advised that anyone planning to dash through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh, going over the fields and laughing all the way are required to undergo a full Risk Assessment addressing the safety of open sleighs. This assessment must also consider wheth...

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