Calling a friend in Ukraine

“Hi, what is going on ?:”

“Well, Russia is in war with NATO here.”

“And how does it look like ?”

“Russia lost a missile cruiser, over 600 tanks, 25000 soldiers.”

“And NATO ?”

“Did not arrive yet.”

Campus bookstore robbed

The Campus bookstore was just robbed of $25000. The criminal was seen taking a sweatshirt and 4 textbooks

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A rich guy had three equally beautiful girlfriends...

and decided to marry one of them. So he devised a method to decide which to marry. He gave each of them $25000 and twenty days later, the first returned it to him. "Love," she said, "using the knowledge you gave me, I invested the money and earned it all back,with interest." He thought, "Wow! She's ...

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