milkcurdcheeserennetlactosecaseincottage cheeseyogurtcheddarricottayoghurtdairy productmilk wheymozzarellaserum

Anyone know what a whey is??

Apparently my dad just passed one.

What do you call a Mexican bodybuilder who runs out of protein?

No Whey José.

My friend tried to convince me "whey" is spelled "whfey"

There's no f in whey

The Mandalorian fell on hard times and had to take a job in a body building and health food shop. Turns out he was unexpectedly great at it and smashed the commission targets. He'd just direct people to the protein powder section, and say...

..."This is the whey"


These days whey manufacturers are against selling to adults.

Their products are pro teen.

I was at the grocery store deciding if I should buy a $40 jug of whey protein

So I asked my friend, to which he replied:"Just btw"

A bodybuilder asked his doctor: "what's better, whey protein, or pea protein?"

"Weigh protein, of course!" replied the doctor. "For one thing, weighing protein isn't a potential sign of kidney failure."

Would i ever consider taking protein supplements?

No whey

Why don't Mandalorians eat cheese curds?

It is not the whey.

If Saddam Hussein had married Little Miss Muffet...

Would the Kurds of had their whey?

I was going to buy a load of whey protein powder today.

It's always better to buy it in bulk.

What did Din Djarin say when he was making cheese.

This is the whey

Have you heard the story about the guy who drowned at the cheesemaking factory?

It's whey over the top

What did the dad with milk sensitivities say to the waiter at a Mexican restaurant when asked if he wanted cheese with his taco?

No whey, Jose.

Did you folks hear about the protein shake factory explosion in Uganda?

There was nothing left but *de whey*

Why did Little Miss Muffet buy a GPS for her tuffet?

Because she kept losing her whey.

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Little Ms. Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, who sat down beside her...

And said “Hey, what’s in the bowl, bitch?”

Din Djarin and Obi Wan were making cheese...

Din Djarin poured in some rennet, and when the milk coagulated, he separated and removed the curd from the large vat.

Obi Wan, unfamiliar with the process, pointed to the bottom of the vat and asked what was it that remained?

The Mandalorian said..."This is the whey..."


I feel really bad for the Mexican Olympian disqualified from weightlifting for excessive use of protein.

They told him, "No whey, José."

Two dairy farmers are in a bar talking shop.

Dairy farmer 1: I’ve discovered a method of making cheese that results in 100% curds.

Dairy farmer 2: no whey!

Two dead bodybuilders meet each other in hell

Dude 1: Hey there man, you know where I can get a protein shake around here?

Dude 2: There’s no whey in hell

Met my first Mandalorian today

He was a Wisconsin dairy farmer, took me on a tour of a Mando dairy. First, he showed me the snack curd-making facility, then pointed and said,

“This is the whey.”

What did the bodybuilder say when he saw the store had sold out of protein powder?

No whey!

Doctor: you’re allergic to milk

Me: No whey?

My uncle recently overdosed on protein powder

What a whey to go

Bodybuilders agree on most methods of building muscle...

but they can never agree on which is the best whey.

Does anyone believe the bodybuilder who claims he never used protein suppliments?

No whey.

What does the Mandalorian say after he starts a new diet to gain more muscle?

This is the whey.

How do bodybuilders combat coronavirus?

Whey Isolate

My roommate seemed like he was in denial when I told him I spilled all his protein powder...

...he just kept saying "no whey, no whey"

My personal trainer told me to drink a protein shake everyday at 3 in the morning.

But that's whey past my bedtime.

I just shot my protein all over my desk, pants, floor and my sheets nearby even though my hand was covering the tip.

Note to self, don't mix whey protein with sparkling water, it will explode.

Forgot to bring my protein powder to the gym today

Guess I should've prepared whey in advance

I went to a cheese making factory

They talked about a special kind of milk that they used that produced only curds.

I was like "no whey!!"

The lesser-known fourth Wise Man brought baby Jesus the gift of protein powder.

It was a whey in a manger.

Did you know Mandalorians love blue-milk cottage cheese?

This is the whey.

There's a rumor an evil spirit is haunting houses nearby

They say that if it enters your house, your spelling starts to worsen. But that is only suprestition, ther is no whey deth e gost Ken du sash è t1ng, rait?

There's nothing worse than a bunch of demanding bodybuilders

They always have to get their whey

I had a falling out with my friend over a protein powder

We decided to go our separate wheys

What do call a Hispanic fella that ran out of protein powder?

No-whey Jose.

How did the Mexican cheese factory report an equipment malfunction?

No whey, Hose A.

What did the Mandalorian say when his milk curdled and he strained out the curds?

This is the whey.

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A women wanted to spice things up in the bedroom so she went to a professional sex therapist. The Therapist went through an exhaustive list and importantly how to look sexy, which is to gently bite your lips and raise your eyebrows suggestively.

the next morning the women was in tears... she called the therapist and explained that not only did it not worked but it had completely ruin the mood. The therapist then proceeded to ask here her intimate details ( did you wear the lingerie, perfume, etc ) and could not figure out whey it didn't w...

Protein shakes are really expensive....

Whey expensive.

I was complaining about my lack of muscle growth to a buddy of mine in the gym...

Me: I come here everyday, 3 hours each day and I look the same as I did 6 months ago.

Buddy: No whey!

What did the man say when he got lost in a cheese factory?

"Excuse me sir, can you show me the whey?"

My new girlfriend told me she doesn’t eat dairy products.

I said “No whey!”

A man walks into a juice bar and orders a smoothie. The Mexican behind the counter says "would you like to add any milk protein?"

The man responds, "No whey Jose."

I feel like there is good pun potential...

in the intersection of weigh, way, and whey, but I can't quite get it to come out smoothie.

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gluten free cereal.

I want to make a gluten free cereal and name it "NO FUCKING WHEY!"

People ask whether I’ll make cheese in my afterlife. I tell them,

“There’s no whey in hell.”

My friend says that heavy cream is pure fat.

My friend says that heavy cream is pure fat; to which I replied no, it’s whey more.

How does a Mandalorian win a bodybuilding competition?

This is the whey

What did the vegetarian body builder say after he found out he was gluten intolerant?

There ain't no whey!

"It baffles me, that bacteria can thrive, even when being turned into cheese. It seems like a such a hostile environment! Then again...

"Life finds a whey."

Ain’t nobody going to stop me from getting cheese byproduct.

I always get my whey.

what do you call it when you use milk to make protein drinks?


Someone asked me if I wanted a protein bar.

I said no Whey.

Weightlifting forums are the worst when it comes to getting information and advice on protein.

There's always some meathead a-hole that has to whey in.

I learned the Mandalorian stays ripped by drinking his own brand of protein powder.

This Is The Whey

Two bros were chatting it up at the gym between sets.

1: hey bro, you won’t believe it.
2: what, bro?
1: someone stole all my protein powder
2: no whey!

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet

Eating her curds and whey.

She stuck in her thumb and pulled out a plum

And said, "I'm in the wrong nursery rhyme!"

Okay, I'll try another one...

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner

Eating his Christmas pie.

Along came a spider who sat down beside him...

"Hey bro, so I just got diagnosed with a dairy allergy."

"No whey, man."

I was hanging out with my friend from Mexico the other day and he asked me how runny I like my cottage cheese.

I told him "No whey, Jose"

Been lifting weights without much results. Saw a super ripped trainer at the gym and asked him how he got so jacked . . .

He paused and then said 'Let me show you the whey'.

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