basssopranocontraltoaltomezzo-sopranocountertenortenorbaritonevocal rangerepertoiretessituraenrico carusophonationboy sopranobasso

Man, nothing beats a beautiful woman with a great singing voice.

… Except Chris Brown.

My singing voice sounds bad in my tiny apartment.

It’s a little flat.

What brand of computer has the best singing voice?

A Dell

It is said when someone has an exceptional singing voice on rare occasions animals can actually be seen jumping for joy. I was skeptical but after today I believe it to be true.

As soon as I started singing my cat woke up and jumped for joy clean off my second story windowsill.

I’ve always been told that I have a face for radio

And a singing voice for silent movies.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A man is walking down the beach

He see's a sign that says, "$50 blow job, while singing".

He scratches his head and decides, what the heck. So he goes in, there is this pretty attractive woman, so he puts down his $50. She starts giving him an amazing blow job and right in the middle, she pipes up with this incredible sing...

The whole story

It was evident from the start that Joe Bob was kind but wasn’t very bright. His bumbling and stumbling often irritated people greatly, and so, they became impatient with him. Joe Bob’s mother worried endlessly for her son until one day she went to seek the advice of a wise old woman that lived in a ...

A horse wanted to start a band.

It has always been a dream of his, the horse. He always fantasized about the day he’d sell out avenues with his talented bandmates. He thought to himself, “today, I will make my dream come true. No more waiting around.” Only problem is, he doesn’t know how to play any instrument, though he did have ...

A long "little Johnny" joke... (nsfw)

One day, little Johnny was at school when a little girl asked him if she could go home with him. He said no. She replied, "I'll scream bloody *mur^derrrr* " (singing voice) So Johnny agrees and they go to his house.

While there, Johnny says he has to eat dinner so the girl has to go home....

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