
How many restaurant managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Three. One sitting in the back office looking at Reddit, one smoking a cigarette with the chef behind the kitchen and one sitting at the bar who will tell the hostess to ask a server to find a busser to change the light.

Toothpick Joke

One day a waiter was confronted by the restaurant manager for stealing toothpicks. The waiter's retort was "I don't steal toothpicks, I even return them after using them!"

Shamus Murphy was enjoying a pint at the bar, when he saw someone who looked very familiar

Aye! You look familiar, what is your name?

Me name is Angus Murphy.

You don't say? M'name is Shamus Murphy!

You don' say? Did you grow up in the town of Derry?

I did! Did you go to Saint Anthony's?

I did! Did you have an Aunt named Mildred?

I did! Did your f...

I just want the wifi password...

Today I went to the restaurant.
I saw there is WIFI service.
So I ask for the password.
The waitress told me eat first.
So I place my orders.
After eating I ask again for the password and again she told me eat first. Feeling frustrated, again I order black coffee.
After drink...

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