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NSFW Nearly humped a ladyboy

In Thailand and man it was so close, she looked like a lady, walked like a lady, talked like a lady, kissed like a lady.. It was only when she drove me home and reversed perfectly into my drive 1st time, I thought to myself, "hang on a fuckin minute"!

A pastor, IT server admin and a Thai ladyboy walk into a bar

The bartender asks him what he would like to drink.

Planned to go to Thailand for my vaca this year but after hearing about the ladyboys I thought


I just came back from a trip to Thailand and I was quickly surprised by the many Caucasians. I was then reminded that this is not the politically correct name for them.

They would not like to be called Caucasians but Ladyboys instead

Imagine that the next US president is a married woman

Would we call her husband a first ladyboy?

pls laugh I'm so depressed

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