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I started a new job. My boss said "Hi, my name is Rebecca, but people call me Becky". I said "My name is Kyle, but people call me Dick".

She said "how do you get Dick from Kyle?"
I replied "you just ask nicely".

Kyle Rittenhouse has a lot of people to thank for his acquittal.

I suggest he start with the prosecution.

We were at Kyle's place last week and had an idea

You know how everyone has occasionally had the great idea to try and snort assorted things? Like pixie stix and rock candy? That's where this story takes place.

Somehow the topic of conversation wandered to the effects of cocaine and other substances on the nostrils. The attention seeker of t...

What's one thing you shouldn't say at your boss's funeral?

Who's thinking outside the box now, Kyle?

I think I figured out the source of the beef between Kyle Rittenhouse and LeBron James.

Kyle has LeBron sorely outclassed in both shooting and defense.

I donā€™t want to kink shame Kyle Rittenhouse, butā€¦

ā€¦whenever he shoots someone, he gets off.

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A first grade student said, ā€œTeacher teacher! Kyle has his pants down again!ā€


What's the difference between Kyle Rittenhouse and Jacob Blake?

Kyle will walk

In Germany itā€™s frowned upon to manhunt people named Kyle

Itā€™s in poor taste to seek Kyle

what do you call a guy with 15 and a half rabbits up his bum?

Kyle. My names Kyle.

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Jeremy Kyle

After the tragic suicide of a Jeremy Kyle participant, Ofcom said it is looking into other TV shows that may lead to suicide. Sky has said it will no longer be showing Manchester United games

Kyle Rittenhouse was going to speak at the RNC tonight,

but he's already been booked.

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A Nazi walks into a bar and finds a guy called Kyle

He sits down, and Kyle tells him 'I bet I can make that dude over there disappear'. The Nazi, after seeing the skull cap on the man, agrees but says 'I don't think it's goanna work'. Kyle ignores this, and waves his hands three times, then points dramatically at him.

Nothing happens.

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Jack Black, Kyle Gass, and a horse walk into a bar

They sit down, order drinks, have a little bit of conversation.

The bartender is having a great time. The boys are funny, Jack Black is more charming in person than he has been in recent days. They're having some light banter about this and that.

The bartender asks them, "So boys...wha...

What do Pink Floyd fans and NASCAR driver Kyle Larson have in common?

They both love The Wall

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Johnny finally makes it to college...

On the first day his psych professor begins a perception exercise by telling the students to close their eyes and feel around for an object, then describe the object and tell her what it is.

First she calls on Kyle who says "I feel something big round and bumpy. It's a globe!"

The p...

There was a shipwreck off a deserted island in the middle of nowhere! The only survivors were three boys named Mike, Kyle, and Nate. After the wreck the boys decided to wander the island to see if they could find some food...

As the boys were wandering the island one of the boys stepped on a lamp and began to rub it when out of nowhere a genie popes out and grants them three wishes. They all think about it for a while until they came to the conclusion that they all get one wish. The first wish was Nateā€™s and he said that...

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It's graduation day . . .

All the seniors are gathered in the auditorium for the ceremony. While generally a happy occasion, there is a bit of sadness among the students, because Kyle, the most popular student, will not be graduating. At one point during the ceremony, the seniors begin chanting:

Let Kyle graduate, Let...

The two friends and Hooters

Two men, Kyle and Irish, grew up together, but after college Kyle moved to Maryland and Irish to Texas. They agreed to meet every ten years in Florida to play golf and catch up with each other.

At age 32 they met, finished their round of golf and headed for lunch.

"Where you wanna go?"...

1 in every 5 people is Chinese

I know that I'm not Chinese, and my parents aren't Chinese.

So it's either my brother Li Xiu Ying, or my brother Kyle.

I think it's Kyle.

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2 little brothers wanted to make mommy mad.

Little Kyle is 4 years old and his brother Timmy is 3.
Kyle says "Hey, Timmy. Want to make mommy mad?"
"Sure! How?" Timmy says.
Kyle tells him "We gotta say a bad word, I'll say a 4 letter word since I'm 4. You have to say one that's 3 letters."
"OK! This sounds like fun!" said Timmy....

Karen's 911 call

Karen was cleaning Kyle's rifle and shot him by accident. She calls 911.

"It's my husband," said Karen. "I've accidentally shot him... I've killed him," she sobbed.

"Please calm down, ma'am," the 911 operator tried to sooth her. "Can you please make sure he's actually dead?"

I think my German buddy has an imaginary friend

He keeps asking me if I "See Kyle"

It's Career day tommorow and your allowed to dress up as anyone you looked up towards.

Kyle wanted to dress up as his dad.

He said he'll go to the store for a bit and buy what he needs.

The next day he never came back.

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A teacher tells her class to learn the first five letters of the alphabet

A teacher gave her kindergarten class to go home and learn the first five letters of the alphabet so Kyle goes home and asks his mom who is on the phone, what is the first letter of the Alphabet? she says Shut Up! he then goes to his sister who is playing guitar and asks what is the second letter...

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Need help figuring out a Laffy Taffy joke

I just got this joke on a Laffy Taffy wrapper, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what this jerk-off Kyle P. is trying to get across. The joke is, what did the x-ray say to the broken bone? That bone should get a loan!

Why is the x-ray machine saying this? Is the joke that it rhymes? ...

"I just got a fruit juicer because they say juicing adds years to your life...

...What they don't tell you is the years you add juicing, you lose cleaning you juicer."

-Kyle Dunnigan-


# Joke

A joke is something funny because unpredicatable that makes people laugh, giggle or smile. This is a a joke :

>I met a shepherd, we talked about ewe.

The fact that it takes a second to realize that "we talked about ewe" sounds like the well known sente...

Admin : Adds Erica to the group.

David: Hi Erica welcome to the group.

Erica: Hi guys, I am new to the city.

Sam: Hi Erica donā€™t worry, I am here, any problems I will be the solution.

Kevin: Hi Erica. Tell me if you have any problem, I will arrange a solution for you.

Kyle: Hi Erica, if you need anyt...

It's About Time

A few weeks? after the death of my father-in-law, I found my seven-year-old son crying in bed. His grandmother had died the previous year, and he was taking it all very hard. "You know, Kyle," I said, "when we die, weā€™ll get to see Grandma and Grandpa again in heaven."

With tears spilling dow...

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