
Why did the chef miss his deadline?

He ran out of thyme.

I'm reading a book about meeting deadlines.

I should have finished it a week ago.

The year is 2192. The British Prime Minister visits Brussels to ask for an extension of the Brexit deadline.

No one remembers where this tradition originated, but every year it attracts many tourists from all over the world.

Have you ever found yourself staring at a deadline, with no real work done, and then going to your teacher to beg for an extention?

Well then you know how UK feels

A single zombie is scary, but a row of zombies forms something even scarier...

A deadline.

Doctor gave me 3 months to live...

I'm so lazy I missed the deadline, that was 4 months ago.

I love deadlines.

Especially the 'Whooshing' sound as they go flying by.

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Five friends were sitting around, debating which Pixar movie is the greatest

After a few hours of debate, no one was willing to concede, and it was decided that a vote must be held. Unfortunately, with so few friends present, it was clear that they would need to bring the vote to the greater public. The group decided that each friend would make a plea to the subreddit of the...

Long story about a story

There was a newsman Ida Gross, who worked at the New York times last century who always snuck in a pun into his reports. His editor was always on a look out for the pun, which he always excised before sending the story on to be printed.

One day, there was a gas explosion that killed ten...

Worse than deadlines are

Antivaxers kid's EKG

A Man Buys several Acres in the Countryside

and hires a local contractor to build a fence around his new property.

The next day, the contractor arrives in his pickup with a small trailer of tools and materials to begin work on the fence.

The contractor begins digging the first hole with a shovel only to find the ground is mostl...

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An amateur woodworker moves to a new neighborhood and makes some friends at a local bar he goes to every other week.

An amateur woodworker moves to a new neighborhood and makes some friends at a local bar he goes to every other week. As a way to say thanks to the community, he offers to take down and rebuild a brand new deck at the bar. The bar owner, who practically lives at the bar day-in day-out, doesn't want t...

It's comforting to know that the US government works the same way as a college student when it comes to deadlines...

They both wait until the last minute, then get an extension.

To survive is to procrastinate death,

but in the end there is always a deadline.

Say what you like about the make-a-wish foundation.

But they can work to a deadline. - Jimmy Carr

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A failing zoo was desperate to drive attendance.

After much discussion, they finally purchased a gnu from Africa.

In anticipation of its arrival, the zoo built a new exhibit for the hard-to-obtain animal. It was a beautiful indoor/outdoor enclosure and contractors worked diligently to meet the deadline of the animal’s arrival.


Job ad: Position of a psychic at large international corporation open ($1M/annually)

Submit your application and cover letter you know where. The deadline is you know when.

Safety critical software

I am a software engineer and I work on safety critical software (I design autonomous vehicles). I travel around the world, speaking at various software engineering conferences. I was recently invited to speak at the premier aviation conference in the world on the subject of writing safety critical s...

The year 2192

The year is 2192. The British Prime Minister visits Brussels to ask for an extension of the Brexit deadline. He leaves a ceremonial letter. For reasons lost in time, this letter is always unsigned. Ceremonial garb includes a suit that looks like it was made for a someone of an entirely different si...

Mary Poppins Decided To Grow Some Vegetables

Mary Poppins decides to grow some vegetables. When she picks her crop in the autumn, her carrots, potatoes, onions, and spring beans have all failed, but her cauliflowers have grown a treat.

She picks them, cooks some for Sunday lunch in a cheese sauce, and they taste wonderful.

After ...

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The Toothbrush Salesman

A guy loses his job and is really down on his luck. He searches everywhere, but can't seem to find any work.

After a few weeks he see's a classified in the newspaper looking for a salesman. He applies and is scheduled for an interview.

When he gets to the interview, he meets his pote...

I have a lot of work to do in the morgue today.

There's a new deadline I need to meet.

What do you call wanting to get rich within your life time?

Setting a deadline.

"Time is an arbitrary concept"

is apparently a bad way to explain to your boss why you missed the project deadline

So the Marines, the Seals, and the Air Force were all asked to do a joint mission...

There were three key buildings that needed to be taken over in order to for the operation to succeed, and Superiors from the three fields wanted to gauge the performances of their respective subordinates. So they set a deadline, and convened the day after the deadline to compare notes. The the offic...

I went out last night with a group of enthusiastic weavers.

Unfortunately they had to rush off to meet a looming deadline.

Jack was deeply involved in finishing a report for the upcoming board meeting received a call from his wife that she had a good news and a bad news.

Because of the deadline he asked if she could just give him the good news. The wife replied "Okay, the good news is that the air bags work."

Calvin had a mean teacher.

So when he missed a deadline for an assignment, Calvin begged for an extension.

The teacher said, “No, I’m giving you a zero, Calvin.”

Calvin replied, “You are absolutely cold.”

I get plenty of exercise.

I'm frequently jumping to conclusions, pushing my luck, and dodging deadlines.

A genetic botanist doesn't show up to the church picnic.

Her concerned husband finds her in her lab working feverishly on a new pesticide resistant strain of maize.

"Aren't you coming to the congregation picnic?". He asks.

"Screw them and their impossible deadlines! They told me I have until today to get the corn bred!"

What do we want!?

Megaphone holder: What do we want!?


Megaphone holder: When do we want it?!


Why was the zombie in such a rush to get to his book signing?

He had deadlines to meet

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My girlfriend called me to tell me that I should learn from my manager roommate.

(this happened half hour ago, my roommate' s name is not actually jack)

She said, "Now that you are in lockdown with your friend Jack who is a manager in his company, you should learn some skills from him"

Infuriated, I told her that Jack can't teach me anything!

She says, "you ...

Mark is bowled

Mark was juggling with deadlines and couldn't make it to the hospital for his wife's delivery. They were regular to the hospital and it had an automated response service for regular patients. Anxious about his wife and the kid, he picked up his phone and texted '5444 1'.

Unfortunately, Mark ...

Job Application Humor


Cover letter: "I would be prepared to meet with you at your earliest
convenience to discuss what I can do to your company."

That's what we're afraid of ...


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A man's wife tells him she'd like to go on vacation...[NSFW]

And he's like "i can't, work, projects, deadlines" so she goes on vacation by herself.
She leaves and comes back with a brand new car, jewelry, and a stash of cash.

He asks her how did you get all this money? She's like " I gave blowjobs and earned enough for all this".

"Oh come ...

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