
I can't make Casey Anthony jokes.

My mom would kill me...

Casey Anthony is removing her podcast from Spotify.

If she wanted to kill Spotify she should’ve done it when it was still in its infancy

On a scale of Casey Anthony to Jerry Sandusky...

...how much do you like kids?

I showed Casey Neistat my tattoo

... and he said it was a Neistat

What do you call a math-themed event organized by Casey Neistat?

A vlogarithmic function

Everybody commented on how bravely Mr. Casey took his wife's sudden death.

Dry-eyed and composed, he superintended personally all the details of her funeral. As the pall-bearers were carrying the coffin through the cemetery gate, one of them accidentally banged his corner of the coffin into a post. It turned out that Mrs. Casey was not quite dead. The sudden jar brought...

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Think Casey Anthony will go into porn now, . . .

Since she gets off so easy?

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If you're running& running and wind up in a tree and the fucker follows you...it's a black bear.

If you're running& running and wind up in a tree and the fucker shakes you out...it's a brown bear.

If you're runni...


Murphy and Casey in the jungle they see a lion murphy says is the Lion dead Casey says hold on now and ill check.
Just then Casey throws a rock at him the Lion wakes up charging towards them Casey says run Murphy Run
Murphy says why would I run for I didn't throw anything at him

A small town in Ireland solicits bids to build a fountain in the town square. Three builders respond.

The town clerk schedules all three interviews for the same day. The builders arrive and are escorted into the clerk's office. There's a builder from Galway, a builder from Mayo, and finally Casey, a master builder from County Cork.

The first to be interviewed is the builder from Galway. "How ...

What comes after April?

Casey Jones

You Know You're A Northneck (Northern Redneck) If......

Your rusty vehicle's resale value only goes up if you remember to put the snow tires on them during the winter.

You ever got into a shouting match based on which college hockey team you're a fan of.

You've ever used expired gas station sushi as bait for ice fishing.

(You're re...

Bad Mother

Anthony, do you think I'm a bad mother?

Son: My name is Casey

A lawyer, an engineer and an accountant are applying for a job

at the job interview, they each get asked the same simple question, and are told to justify their answer. The question is, "what is two plus two?"

The lawyer takes out his briefcase and produces the 1978 docket wherein the case of Casey vs the State, two plus two was proven to be four.

A father walks up to his son...

and says to him, "Do we have any more dopted?"

The son says, "What's a dopted?"

"You are!"

"Dad, that's not funny."

"I'm not your dad!"

(Credit to my bartender Casey)

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