thinkconsidertrustreligionfaithtrueunderstandseeregardmisbelievereligious beliefconceivebeliefsayexpect

I’ve always believed that a good speech is like a girls mini skirt…

... Short enough to get everyone's attention and long enough to cover the most important bits!!

My father believed that men learn by just doing things and figuring it out so when I was 3 my dad threw me into the ocean.

To teach himself CPR.

Christmas always sucked when I was a kid because I believed in Santa Claus

and unfortunately, so did my parents.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

For the longest time scientists believed in a treatment for ED.

But until Viagra came along, there was no hard evidence.

I've never believed in lizard people

That was until I met an argonian

COVID-19 is not a joke and should be taken seriously

A former patient was so brain damaged afterwards that he wrongly believed he'd won an election that he actually lost by 7 million votes.

I never believed that scientists could clone humans...

...but once they proved me wrong, I was beside myself.

For years, I believed the Earth was flat

Then I turned 4

An axiom is something believed to be true without question

You can trust me on this one

Psychiatrist: So how long have you believed in reincarnation?

Ever since I was a puppy.

When I was young everybody believed in me

The doctor saw in me a potential physician

The teacher saw in me a potential professor

The chef saw in me a potential cook

The priest saw in me a potential partner

From childhood, I believed air was free

But then I bought a pack of wafers...

A German shepherd, a Doberman and a cat died.

In heaven they faced God,who wanted to know what they believed in.
The German shepherd said "i believe in discipline, loyalty and training to my master".
"Good" said God. "You may sit on my right side".
The Doberman said "I believe in love,care and protection of my master".
"Aha,you may ...

What did the carpenter say when noone believed they'd seen a ghost?

"I know what I saw."

I haven't always believed in climate change

But I'm warming up to the theory.

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