anteatergiant armadillomammaldasypodidaeordermammalianew worldplacentalchlamyphoridaexenarthraplacentaskunkgorillaedentatespecies

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What do you get when you cross an armadillo with a dildo?

Fired from the sex toy company

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A lawyer is driving at night, on the road to his hometown. Suddenly...


The lawyer stops the car with fear in his eyes. His heart pumps fast. "Oh my God, did I just roadkill an animal? My name will be stained, forever!"

He leaves his car and goes to check the front. The headlights are illuminating an armadillo, rolled inside his shell. He gives the...

What do an Armadillo and Yoko Ono have in common?

They both live on dead beetles

an armadillo barely escaped birds of pray

luckily, nuns are terribly slow in their habits

Armadillos are quite expensive.

They usually cost an arm and a leg.

What do you call an armadillo at a fashion show?

A roll model

I like dillos, but I don’t support giving them guns because...

I would never armadillo.

A Lawyer is on the road when he finds an armadillo.

A lawyer was travelling on the road in his fancy car when an armadillo crossed the road in front of him.

He stops and takes the armadillo to his backseat.

Far aside, the lawyer is stopped in a sobriety checkpoint.

The policeman ask...

Why did the Texan chicken cross the road?

To prove to the armadillo that it could be done.

A horse wanted to start a band.

It has always been a dream of his, the horse. He always fantasized about the day he’d sell out avenues with his talented bandmates. He thought to himself, “today, I will make my dream come true. No more waiting around.” Only problem is, he doesn’t know how to play any instrument, though he did have ...

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A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde are in car that is driving on a remote desert road.

All of a sudden, an armadillo runs into the road and the car swerves to avoid hitting it. Unfortunately, the car was going very fast, so it flips upside down and lights on fire.

The three women in the car only have enough time to grab one type of item before escaping. The redhead grabs a bun...

So there is this guy named Juan...

So there is this guy named Juan and Juan is a great guy. He doesn't drink he doesn't smoke, he doesn't beat his wife and kids. He doesn't kick his armadillo a cross the back yard.

One day, person number one comes up to him and says "Juan, you're a great guy. You don't drink. You don't smoke....

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