keratintoeprimateproteinhaireponychiumclawskinnailcuticleingrownepidermisepitheliumingrown toenailfingernail

My toenails turned green, shrank, and started smelling like mint.

My doctor says I have a rare condition called Tic Tac Toes.

Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

So they can hide in cherry trees.

Me: “Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?”

Them: “Why?”

Me: “To hide in the strawberry patch”

Them: “……..”

Me: “have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch?”

Them: “no?”

Me: “then I guess it works”

Cue applause.

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I used to date twins...

... and people always asked me how I could tell them apart during sex.

I told them I used this simple little method:

You see, Sophie always had red nail polish on her toenails and Steve had a dick.

Cute joke a neighbor kid told me: Why did the guy have to have his toe checked out?

Because it had a nail in it.

What is an emery board used on your toenails called?

A pedifile.

My girlfriend LOVES my toenails..

I'm starting to think she's a nailphile.

How does Neil deGrasse Tyson trim his toenails tomorrow?

Eclipse them!

At first I didn't really care for this toenail fungus...

...but it's really starting to grow on me!

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My wife says she’s leaving cause of my disgusting habits

I almost choked on my fucking toenail!

I found some old newspaper with clippings.

Toenails, I think.

What did the mathemetician do about his ingrown toenail infection?


They say if you paint an elephant’s toenails red, you won’t see it in a strawberry patch

You are probably thinking, “That’s impossible. Elephants are huge!”

But ask yourself: have I ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch?


Then it obviously works!

**Courtesy of a little book I read as a child and think is cute

What does a mother use to keep her childrens' toenails soft and smooth?

A pedi-file

When you’re a toe hammer...

Every problem is a toenail.

Remember Elephant jokes?

These are the first three that I learned a looooong time ago!

* Why do ducks have webbed feet? -- So they can stomp out forest fires.
* Why do elephants have flat feet? -- So they can stomp out flaming ducks.
* Why do elephants paint their toenails red? -- So they can hide in cherry tre...

My wife threatened to leave me

Because of my ‘filthy and disgusting habits’. I was so shocked I nearly choked on my toenails.

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How do Elephants hide in the Wild?
They Paint their balls Red and hide in an Apple Tree.

How do Elephants hid in the city?
They Paint their toenails different colors and hide in a bag of M'n'Ms.

How did Tarzan die?
By picking apples.

“I know this is difficult for you ma’am, but we need to know exactly how you were tortured by the accused. You said that after the hot poker came the pliers pulling out your toenails, but each time you start to tell us the final torture, you break down. Now take a deep breath, & tell the court...”

“Well”, she sobbed, “before he let me go [sob] he made me... he made me........ watch ‘Holmes and Watson’ twice in one sitting”

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My first time posting a joke here. I first heard this one as a teenager and I've been telling it for at least 35 years now. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. It's a long one, so be ready.

There once was a young, newlywed couple who just arrived in their honeymoon suite after a wonderful day spent celebrating their union with family and friends. The newlyweds, having both grown up in very sheltered homes, had no experience in the matters of sex and had pledged to one another to wait u...

A man is walking down the street very hungry....

and he only has 2 dollars in his pocket. No matter where he looks, 2 dollars doesn't seem to buy him a meal. That is until he comes across a restaurant who specializes in chili, and they were having a special. One bowl of chili for 2 dollars! So the man walks into the restaurant and immediately sees...

Yo momma is so fat

Her toenails aren't painted, just redshifted

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2 brothers are lost in the woods

Without a map or any food they wander the woods in hopes of finding something!
After a few hours they spot a small hut, with smoke coming from a chimney.
Ecstatic, they run right to the door and begin pounding.
An old overweight woman answers the door.
"My what striking young men you are...

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