fosternourishupbringingfosteringsustainparentencouragecultivaterearingbreedingraiseraisingrearfosteragebring up

I have a litter of Pomeranian puppies specifically nurtured to look like a French loaf, 500$ per pupper

Please donโ€™t ask me to go lower on the price, they are *pure bread*

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

The company Valve is just like a child. It came into the world on the 24th August, 1996. Nurtured by a community...

...only to get fucked as soon as it turns 21.

A brilliant scientist successfully creates a lifelike deer cyborg.

Dr. Holmes, after many years of biotechnological research, finally succeeded in his secret project, using funds diverted from his research grant. Because the project needed to be kept off the records, Dr. Holmes kept the deer at home.

The cyborg would grow and develop just as a normal fawn wo...

I believe the children are our future

and they should be praised and nurtured because they are the bus drivers and cabbies of tomorrow, and I drink a lot.

"Poor Kid"

A couple is due to have a child. The day finally comes and the wife has the child but it comes out with just a head. The couple are a little let down by it, but they are determined to give that head the best life it could live. They give it all its shots, feed it, and nurture it. The head comes u...

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