
I prefer Indy car over Nascar...

...I guess that makes me racist.

how many Indy kids does it take to change a lightbulb?

its a really obscure number you wouldnt of heard of it.

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When Indiana Jones was a kid he had a collection of model trucks.

He loved those trucks and he and the neighbour's kid would spend hours playing with them on a special table that was used only for Indy's trucks. They would set up elaborate dioramas on the 'truck table', adding to the displays whenever Indy came into possession of a new truck.

Fast forward a...

Why do hipsters love Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Because it's the first Indy movie.

Why don't racecar drivers eat before a race?

So they don't get Indy-gestion.

Why did the NASCAR driver die in the car wreck?

Because he was indy car when it happened

Rednecks love more races than any other group

Indy 500, Talladega, and Daytona just to name a few

Is it wrong to hate a certain race?

Because I'm not really a fan of the Indy 500

I'm not a racist, I just believe that...

the Indy 500 is superior to all other races.

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A class of high school art students are broken into groups...

...and tasked with making silly and creative paintings combining culture with food.

One group decides to paint an Indy race car made out of roti. Another group decides to paint a business suit necktie being grated into cheese. Another group paints Donkey Kong serving up a creepy bowl of banan...

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