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Some people are so ignorant about anatomy.

Just today I had to explain to someone that there is a vas deferens between a testicle and a penis.

My wife left me because I am "ignorant" and "apathetic".

I don't know what that means, but I don't care.

Local grocery store checkout workers are ignorant, lazy, smelly …

That’s the last time I use the self-checkout lane

My wife just called me severely ignorant

and I was like, “what’s that supposed to mean?”

Anti vaccine americans being ignorant isn't their fault

They didn't go to school because they are scared of being shot

I'm American and I hate it when people say that America is the most ignorant country in the world

Personally, I think Europe is the most ignorant country in the world.

Americans may be ignorant of other cultures...

But at least we invented the hamburger

A priest who came to a village in Africa which was very ignorant, was trying to educate the natives.

While he preached every morning that people should do good and be kind to each other, he would try to teach English to the head of the tribe in the afternoon. One day the priest took the chief with him and started walking
Meanwhile, he was trying to increase the knowledge of the chief by saying t...

Saudi Arabians just seem so ignorant about everything...

It’s like they’ve been living under Iraq!

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What do you call someone who is both ignorant and an asshole?

An ignoranus.

Whenever someone gives you a tough time or is being ignorant tell them.

That the most surefire way to commit suicide is to jump from their ego, to their IQ

It’s incredibly ignorant to call COVID-19 the “Boomer Remover.”

It’s also making the Silent Generation even quieter.


Two rednecks, Dale and Billy Ray, were walking downtown, window shopping and suddenly, they see a sign on a store which reads, "Suits $10 each, shirts $2 each, trousers $3 each".

Dale says to his buddy, "Billy Ray, looky there! We could buy a whole gob of these, take 'em back to Arkansas, sel...

How do you know if you're condescending to an ignorant person?

Oh never mind you don't know the answer anyway.

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I always see people comparing Trump to Hitler, and I think that’s incredibly ignorant

At least Hitler knew what he was doing

I can never understand why Xenophobia is considered ignorant...

Given their immense potential for death and destruction, I personally find the fear of Xenomorphs to be perfectly sensible.

It's really ignorant for people to not believe in stereotypes..

There's plenty in Best Buy.

Unpopular opinion: People criticizing Alabama's new abortion laws are ignorant and intolerant

It's a family matter for them, after all.

John was excited to move into his new condo which was exactly below Dwayne Johnson's apartment. But soon he became ignorant & oblivious to things happening around him. Why?

Because John was living under The Rock.

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