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What is the best website find information about a DJ?


What did the DJ say at the Salad Bar?

Lettuce turnip the beet!

What's DJ Khaleds favourite number?

11 because it has another 1.

Why did the DJ get fired from the chemistry lab?

They kept dropping the base.

What does a cop and a dj have in common

They both tell drunk people to put their hands up

Why did the farmer become a DJ?

Because he had sick beets.

Did you ever hear the one about the stuttering DJ?

He really liked to "D-D-DDDD-DROP THE BASS"

What was Albert Einsteins DJ name?

MC Squared

I attended prom…

The DJ played the Cha-Cha Slide, and I did the Cha-Cha Slide.

The DJ played the Macarena, and I did the Macarena.

The DJ played Come on Eileen, and now I’m not allowed within 1,000 feet of school property.

What do you call a DJ on Halloween?

The boogie-man

Why doesn't DJ Khaled lose weight?

Becauses he never loses, he always wins.

My Hip Hop name is DJ Green Onion.

But you can call me Rapscallion.

What do you call a plant that is a DJ?

A photosynthesizer


Dj Khaled is like a Pokemon

All he does is shout his name

DJ vu.

The feeling you get when you've heard the same music in a club before.

What did the DJ say when showing off his marmelade?

Thats my JAM!

So ya wanna be a DJ??? visit this site


A radio DJ is on air and comes up with a competition

The winner will get £1000 if they can come up with a word, not in the dictionary without checking.

Several listeners call in but unfortunately their responses were already in the dictionary.

Hamish, a Scottish listener, phones in and says "Goan"

The DJ checks the dictionary an...

What do you call a DJ who’s stopped breathing?

Off the air.

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When the DJ at a club played "Jump," we all jumped.

When he played "Come On Eileen," we all ended up with a court date for sexual assault.

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An Irish radio station was running a competition

Words that weren’t in the dictionary yet could still be used in a sentence that would make logical sense. The prize was a trip to Bali.

DJ: “96 FM here, what’s your name?”

Caller: “Hi, my name’s Dave.”

DJ: “Dave, what’s your word?”

Caller: “Goan... spelt G-O-A-N p...

[oc] Why do you never invite a DJ to fishing

They always drop the bass

What do you call a dj-ing kangaroo?

Disc joey

I hate puns about DJ Khaled

I can't bear to hear another one.

How did the DJ threaten his unruly apprentice who was responsible for all of the electronic beats

He threatened him with real percussions

What's the difference between Mike Tyson and DJ Kahled?

Tyson went down eventually.

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Someone asked me who my favorite DJ was.

But I didn't have an answer. Upon thinking about it I'd have to say DJ Ileum. His work is simply amazing. You can even send him samples and they always come back shit hot. You send him a spicy beat, he returns with absolute fire.

If I was a DJ...

I'd wanna be called JD Dyslexic.

Yo, I'm your DJ, erectile dysfunction

I'm going to make sure you all go hard, even though I can't

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DJ gets Caught Off Guard

A guy calls into a radio station and he says he has a joke for the DJ. The DJ goes, “Alright, let’s hear it.”

The caller asks, “First, are we allowed to say ‘penis’ on the air?”

The DJ says, “It is the specific medical or clinical term so yes, you can use it.”

Caller: “OK, what...

What religion did the witch DJ follow?

Wicca Wicca

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What do you say to a bad DJ ?

" David guetta fuck outta here"

I almost lost my job as a DJ at a country music station

I accidentally played the same three songs for five hours. Fortunately, our listeners didn't seem to notice.

Farmers hired a DJ for pest control

To drop some sick beets

My dad gave up his job of being a late night radio DJ.

He took up a new job as a railway construction worker. Talk about a career change, but I guess he just couldn’t give up his love for laying tracks.

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A cabbage said to a DJ “lettuce turnip the beet”

“Why the fuck is there a cabbage at this party?” thought the DJ

What's the difference between a DJ and a gynecologist ?

None : they both work where others have fun.

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On Air Confession

Just imagine sitting in traffic on your way to work and hearing this. Many Chicago folks DID hear this on the WBAM FM morning show in Chicago. The DJs play a game where they award winners great prizes. The game is called "Mate Match". The DJs call someone at work and ask if they are married or serio...

Some people say DJ Khaled fell off

If he really had fallen off, we'd have felt it.

One day, DJ Khalid’s son found a magical lamp...

One day, DJ Khaled’s son stumbled upon a magical lamp. After rubbing it, a mystical genie poured out of the stem and asked for boy what he wanted for his wishes. Knowing his father’s great love of music, the boy wished to become a keyboard, something Khaled enjoyed using for his music. “Granted”, sa...

I got to be the DJ at my uncle's wedding

Apparently, having "I Love Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo play ruined the mood for everybody.

If I ever become a DJ, my name will be DJ Oriental Immigrant

Because I lay down sick tracks

Why does DJ Khaled shout his name at the beginning of the songs he produces?

So you know that it's time to change the channel.

What’s DJ Khaled say his favorite gaming system is?

Wii the best

I'm going to be a DJ at a retirement home this weekend.

With an average age of 81 years old, will the song "Last Christmas" be inappropriate?

The DJ just asked me "How low can you go..."

So I slept with his wife and took custody of his kids.

"Dj Khaled, what are your thoughts on Palestinian rocket attacks?"


My local night club has had to fire their resident DJ

Apparently he wasn't up to scratch

When the DJ plays "Macarena", I do the Macarena

when the DJ plays "Hokey Pokey", I do the Hokey Pokey. When the DJ plays "Come on Eileen". I get arrested.

If you go out tonight to see a German laptop DJ, don’t get too close to the booth.

They’re anti-wax.

What's DJ Khalid's favorite kind of candy bar?

A nutter one.

What does the blind DJ say?

"I can't see your hands!"

Why did the DJ turn his life around?

He realized the Errra Errra Errra of his ways.

How do you track down DJ Jazzy Jeff in the snow?

Follow the fresh prints

I opened a record/DJ store in Israel but it went out of business.

Maybe “The Vinyl Solution” wasn’t the best choice of name

DJ Khaled was playing cards with his family.

And a mother won.

Where can you find information on every DJ in the world?


(thought of this during science class) A DJ conducts a science experiment with acids during his concert

Unfortunately, it all went wrong when he dropped the base

Why couldn’t the DJ keep any of the fish he caught?

He kept dropping the bass

You used to be a better DJ than me...

But then the tables were turned...

DJ Khaled was featured in a Weight Watchers commercial for losing weight...

...He must have stopped eating out...

At my granddaughter’s wedding, the DJ polled the guests to see who had been married longest.

It turned out to be my husband and I. The DJ asked us, “What advice would you give to the newly-married couple?”

I said, “The three most important words in a marriage are, ‘You’re probably right.”

Everyone then looked at my husband and he said, “She’s probably right.”

One day a DJ for a local radio station wanted to change things up.

He wanted to start playing more up beat music, so he went to the manager of the station and told him his idea. The manager said he would look into it.

A few days go by and the manager comes back to the DJ and tells him there is a problem with one of the songs he wants to play from The Beach B...

Why is DJ Khaled so good at music?

He loves major keys.

Why was the clumsy vegetable farmer a good dj?

Because he dropped the beet.

My son refused to join the family DJ business. But then returned 6 months later, begging for a job.

Oh, how the turntables.

I tried to open a record/ DJ shop in Israel.

I probably shouldn’t have named it Vinyl Solution.

[DJ] A man dug three holes and said....

Well, well, well...

Yes [DJ] = Dad Joke warning

It's honestly my dad's favorite joke.

DJ Khaled has just declined a role in his upcoming biopic.

When asked about his decision, he was quoted to have said "never play yourself."

What did the DJ say to the jazz musician?

Take me to the airport.

What did the DJ order from the deli?

A club sandwich with extra beets.

How many pounds does DJ Khaled plan to lose with Weight Watchers?

Another one

A woman from Maryland who fell in love with the DJ from her first wedding day has married him five years later...

she originally asked him three years ago, but he said he wasn't taking requests just then.

What happens when a DJ is playing a song with a small bass drop?

The crowd goes mild.

Im so old, the DJ in this bar just dedicated his next set to me !

...and turned off the music

Why can a woman never be a good DJ?

They will never listen to Logic or Reason.

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